High-Definition Radar on Web Sites

I noticed the TDWR radius of coverage is shorter than that of the standard published 88D images. The application for air travel is an obvious one, but are there plans to expand the coverage perhaps to fill in some of the areal gaps in the US either with the TDWR or 88D standards?

Just curious...and hopeful ;)
What would it cost to fill in tornado alley with the TDWR's and is there any plan to do so? Would the 88D towers need to be retrofitted or would it be cheaper to build a brand new network? How are these compared to the phased array radars?
TDWR's are just for around major airports... You would not want to "retrofit" 88D's since it's not as capable of a system. They don't even begin to compare to PAR.

I think you should look up "CASA" radar...
The TDWR's work great for their intended purpose, which is protecting aircraft landing and taking off for major airports. The TDWR's will also improve radar coverage in several metro areas (see above). However, the TDWR's are not intended to be 'gap-fillers.'

Our younger members likely do not appreciate what a tremendous step in coverage the WSR-88D's were. The was almost no radar coverage west of the Continental Divide before the -88D's came along. That said, recognizing that there are a number of regions of the U.S. with relatively sparse coverage the question becomes what is the best way to fill the gaps?

Here is an informal comparison of radar characteristics:

Wavelength / Cost / Attenuation / Optimal Range / Example
10cm / Very High / Low / Long / WSR-88
5cm / Moderate / Medium / Medium / TDWR, TV rads
3cm / Low to Mod. / High / Short / CASA

For those not familiar, here is an article about CASA: www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/4269052.html

CASA radars are already Dual-Pol which helps to overcome some of the 3cm attenuation issues.

Realistically, given the economy and government budgets, it is unlikely we are going to see a major 'gap filler' program anytime soon. However, CASA is active and attempting to be innovative in securing alternative funding. Let's wish them well.

Display-wise -- basically, but meteorologically -- no.

Boot up your GR3 and select LVE (Cleveland) then switch to the 88D (CLE) and you can easily tell the difference.

For those of you who haven't seen this radar in action......here is the F5 that hit the Bridge Creek -Moore and OKC area on May 3rd, 1999.

If you can bear with the cheesy song playing, it is actually pretty cool.

Ummm...that has to be the dumbest song I have ever heard in my lifetime, but nice video nonetheless. I took a screen shot at one point in the tornado, and I saw the hook echo, but then it like kicks out another hook. What exactly is going on here? The pic should hopefully help:
Yes, huge difference. I've actually been hanging back on downloading version 1.50 until more sites became available, because I like having the option of velocity smoothing. Yeah, I know--it's not an accurate depiction of reality, but I've found it helpful for L3 (don't need it for L2 super-res).

Anyway, I just bit the bullet and upgraded GR3 on my PC so I could make the comparison you've suggested, Rob. It's pretty persuasive. If enough TDWR sites come online by spring in storm country, then I'll make the switchover on my laptop as well.

Thanks, everyone who has contributed, for the input in this thread.
Ummm...that has to be the dumbest song I have ever heard in my lifetime, but nice video nonetheless. I took a screen shot at one point in the tornado, and I saw the hook echo, but then it like kicks out another hook. What exactly is going on here? The pic should hopefully help:

You aren't lying with that song, it was stupid and un-related in every aspect. But what you see is what i THINK could be a rear flank gust front? Or perhaps an anticyclonic spinup? I haven't seen the tornado data in forever so I don't know. Very interesting nonetheless......
Does anyone know if weather tap is planning on adding TDWR sites? We use weather tap at work, and I do like it, because IT will not approve any programs for download. I believe we are in the range of the TDWR, and if not, it is at least in the path of all storms that come through here.