HF discussions on chase mornings

Since BPL isn't used that much, yet, I'm not worried about that. As for the transformers and other noise you get on HF, well, I guess thats part of the fun. I could use IRLP, but I'm more of a radio person than a computer person. I will have the laptop and mobile broadband, but for weather related use only. I'm not trying to put down IRLP, I'm sure it has it's pro's and con's as well as a pretty decent following. It's just not my cup of tea.
[FONT=&quot]There is always an IRLP machine nearby...[/FONT]

Out here in the plains, more specifically rural areas, there's not always a machine nearby to connect to IRLP. I MIGHT hit one from my home QTH if I really worked at it through some antenna work, but there's more than a few locations in KS that don't have access.

Sure, 40m is no guarantee either. Sure is fun to play with my radio though, I get enough computer time here at the office:cool:

I wouldn't mind rejuvinating the idea of a chase day QSO, it'd sure make the hours driving more enjoyable for some of you.
Yeah Kansas is dead centrally and to the SW, but at least TX, OK, CO, NM, NE and most places to the east have pretty good coverage.

I agree, certainly not 100% coverage, but 50 watts should get you into a number of places hopefully... maybe. I have been told there is also something called EchoIRLP (not an IRLP/Echolink node) which allows you to go into IRLP through Echolink. I don't know anything about it though, so maybe that would help?

Chase day QSO is certainly a very good concept if feasible.

What about a big cell phone conference call? LOL, $$$$$$$
The idea has merit. I will be driving out to OKC probably May 9th or so. It is approximately 1150 miles out. I will surely get tired of the FM radio. I figure 40 is good for the daytime hours and 75 is good for night. We can sure try something. Also, the fish stories are welcomed. Can't get to many good stories, plus it passes the time.
Though I am a General ham and have a HF rig, I think this kind of conference would be something best done over Echolink (more commonly used than IRLP, IMO).

On HF, propagation concerns and any static crashes from overnight storms might prove very problematic.

A room on Echolink (maybe called STORMTRACK) could be easily opened on chase mornings, and people can come and go. It need not be tied to any particular repeater, and would probably be best that way, as to not attract local attention by scanner listeners, or opposition to chasers by a local Skywarn spotting community.

A post could be made by anyone here here on ST to announce when the room is going to be activated.


echo link would work, however you will have some trouble getting with some servers. I use a Cingular air card, and I am not able to use the Echo link program with the air card, also, maybe someone reading this could help me with that too
If you guys want to go HF and avoid lightning crashes, noise and other stuff with the added benefit of some privacy there is a solution if you are willing to spend $300 - $500.

AOR makes digital boxes that will plug into any radio through the mic, they send the digital signal data on the carrier so the mode of modulation will not effect it. These boxes produce near FM quality sound in 3 kHz of SSB space and are becoming popular on HF, most importantly they will work below the noise floor so have better digital reception than analog voice. You guys wont want to use two meter FM anymore given the added range and amazing audio quality.

I have had considerable trouble getting Echolink to work unless I bypass my two routers and plug my computer directly into the cable modem.

There are port numbers you have to tell the router to allow to pass, and I have followed all the directions I can find online, to no avail. I don't know if anyone else has had such problems.

I write that because maybe that's a problem with the Air Card.
LOL, someone has been on my QRZ listing! I used to listen to MidCars quite a bit during my trips from Michigan back to Kansas. I just had to make sure I remembered the 40m hamstick was up there when going through the drive-thrus :eek:

Yeah, I use QRZ quite frequently. Great resource. As for MidCars, not to bad here in NC. I can hear guys from 800+ miles on most days. I currently have a Hustler antenna which is fairly efficient, I just hope it doesn't get struck by lightning. I put a cap hat on a 20 meter resonator and it works with 1.5:1 swr from 7200Khz to 7300Khz. I have the resonator for 75/80 just haven't tuned it yet.

I like the idea mentioned about the digital unit from AOR. I have seen that in the catalogs. I may have to do that some day.

As for echolink, I am all for the internet. I'd be lost without it. I just don't think it's the same. I can deal with a little noise considering I can talk to someone hundreds of miles away. I know this isn't a Ham radio forum, I could go on all day.

Don't get too cold, the big one is supposedly coming.

73's all de;
I have had considerable trouble getting Echolink to work unless I bypass my two routers and plug my computer directly into the cable modem.

There are port numbers you have to tell the router to allow to pass, and I have followed all the directions I can find online, to no avail. I don't know if anyone else has had such problems.

I write that because maybe that's a problem with the Air Card.

I've played around with EchoLink using an AirCard 580 via Sprint with no problems at all.

EchoLink sounds like a great idea. I have my license mostly just for Skywarn, so I'm not really up on the accepted operating practices. Would it be okay to just listen in? My forecasting skills are not at the level yet to be a good contributor to the conversation.