HF discussions on chase mornings

Tim Samaras

Dec 16, 2003
Here's an idea that has been discussed before.

Is there any interest in ham folks who are "HF capable*" to meet on 40 meters in the mornings of a big chase?

I know this has been brought up before, but thought it would be fun to do.


*HF..for those who don't know what the heck I'm talkin' about are frequencies 30 MHz and below....i.e. HF=High Frequency. Only licensed hams general and above can use these bands. Nice thing about these bands, is the range....50-500 miles using ground wave propagation in the morning. Unless we get blasted by an overnight MCS/MCC...then we're hosed via static.


I'd be interested in something like that. Especially if you are planning on meeting someone somewhere. The only problem is most chasers don't have general class licenses, or HF radios themselves. But it would be neat to have a discussion of possible chases on HF.

Mobile HF would be something else that I think would be beneficial at times.
I'd be up for something like that. It would give me another reason to build that 40m dipole :wink: The Buddipole works great on 40m, but it seems that every time I leave it up for more than a few hours the do find a way to knock it over!!

Better start looking for a frequency now so we can avoid the morning nets, lol.

I think that's an excellent idea!

I think one of the few problems with it is the intended coverage area of the "net", and the choice of antenna used. There's a lot of renewed interest in NVIS (Near-Vertical-Incidence-Skywave) techniques that basically improve the local coverage of an HF setup within a 500-800 mile radius, however some of the normally inefficient "hamstick" type antennas can work out well for this usage too.
Not to take the radio out of Amateur Radio, but maybe setting up a conference on EchoLink would be a better idea. This allows us No-Code Techs (though I'm studying for the General upgrade...kinda...) to get in on it, and also gives people who are lacking an HF rig an in.

The BC
Gosh, I'm really behind the times...not sure what Echolink is.

Being a crusty ol' ham myself for 35+ years, part of the fun IS operating on HF, not through a link like what Echolink is suggested to be.

I think the folks who can't/aren't interested in operating HF, would simply stick to using the internet, and use the ST Forum for communications.

For those who are interested in this type of communications, this would be the time to work on your ham license upgrade....winter time! One can get set up pretty cheaply these days...especially with Icom coming out with their new radios...their older 706 MKII will be flooding the Ebay market soon for less than $500!

I've had HF in my geek mobile for a couple of years. There might be a time when chasers run across an area that was hit by a tornado, that took out the cellular tower, and no VHF/UHF repeators are available. How is one going to have emergency communications? Nice thing about HF...it will always be there in the time of need. Just ask any ham that handled traffic for hurricanes from the remote islands in the gulf.

Big drawback is that HF picks up the static discharges due to lightning strikes, but its amazing what these new audio processors do these days.

I'm glad to see the interest!

I'm all ears for selecting a 40/20 meter frequency/time!

Dang it ... this is making me want to upgrade my license. Took me long enough to just get the technician/no code ... now Tim suggests this, which sounds really nice. And I also appreciate the thought about communications after the storm ... this is not an unheard of situation, and happens at least once every year somewhere in the plains, seems like.

Guess it's back to the books.
I liked Tim's original idea of an HF net for that very reason, to encourage more chasing hams to work on upgrading. How many chasers hold a tech license as opposed to General or above? I'm all for encouraging folks to go back to the books and upgrade! But then again amateur radio is a hobby of mine outside of chasing, and my HF priveleges certainly give me something to do during the winter :)

Tim (no, the other Tim)
I would enjoy an HF meeting however im only a Tech Class : . I might find someone who is HF liscenced and make a short drive to their place and see if they will let me eavesdrop though :wink: .
Originally posted by Tim Samaras
Here's an idea that has been discussed before.

Is there any interest in ham folks who are "HF capable*" to meet on 40 meters in the mornings of a big chase?

Count me in!!

You announce a starting freq and time. I'll be there!

Originally posted by Gerard Jebaily
I would enjoy an HF meeting however im only a Tech Class : . I might find someone who is HF liscenced and make a short drive to their place and see if they will let me eavesdrop though :wink: .

Actually, if you know someone that has the appropriate license and the equipment, you can operate on HF on their station as long as they are present and to the proper signing proceedures, just like non hams can talk on ham in the presence of the control operator.
On 24 Feb 2007 the CW (morse code) requirement will be dropped. I have already passed the General test and am waiting for that day. I have a Yaesu FT-857D in the car along with the FT-7800R. I will be monitoring MidCars, 7258Khz when the time comes. I believe 40 meters is good for daytime operation from 500 to 800 miles, maybe more. At night, 75 meters is the band of choice. May this is worth a little discussion. Thanks and stay warm. I sure hope that groundhog knows what he's talking about. Spring can't come too soon now.
[FONT=&quot]Some food for thought

With HF, if there are 8 people, depending on sky wave and skip zones, you may only hear 2 of them. The band might be crowded, dead or you simply might have to deal with BPL or a huge transformer bleeding out in every direction for 10 miles.

Why not just use IRLP? There is always an IRLP machine nearby, just plug into a reflector channel which is always dead, like the Great Lakes Reflector. Just about all 10 channels are dead all the time. So 8 people can use 8 IRLP repeaters to plug into a reflector channel and tada no worries with skip or dead zones, no worries with BPL or other garbage on frequency and no worries about having to have an internet connection, laptop and mic to use Echolink. Most important of all, you don’t need an HF rig or a other qualifications for HF.

100% radio, 100% reliability, or well... very close to that![/FONT]