HD Camcorder under $2000

Originally posted by Stuart Robinson
Bob mentioned the Microsoft page with some HDV using the PC as examples. However I see that there is a HDV tornado piece! (94mb) that can be downloaded


It is on the right hand side about half way down.

Unfortunatley it does not have any Tornado footage in it. It is a trailor for that Stormchasing movie and just has a guy gliding into a storm, in a glider. Still very nice but no Tornado footage as one would think from the links image.
Hey Glenn, its not quit that easy as you said. Stick with B&H or EVSonline.. Many of us shoot high end video or photography and have been taken in our early years by these fly by night operations. Stick with reputable comapnys and just not any vendor.. The reputable company list is really only a few outfits whereas the screw you vendors are many..

My 2c

Nah... Despite the tornado image that Mixrosoft uses it is just a piece about a glider flying through cloud - still a stunning piece and really shows up well on the PC.

I am a HDV convert...

Good day everyone,

Be very - VERY careful of these sites. Visit http://www.resellerratings.com and type in the store name in question. For "Fotoconnection", I found the link below...


Tell me if the picture looks anywhere near their site...


This is another Brooklyn, NY storefront (that looks like the picture above). They take your order and information, then ask you to call them to confirm your order. If you do not buy any over priced accessories offered to you, they either cancel your order or put it on hold for a very, VERY long time (backorder it). Two more similar companies are below...




These companies will take NO TIME to charge your credit card, but will take LOTS OF TIME to produce the items you ordered. They also specialize in "Gray Market" items, usually shipped in PAL instead of NTSC (for a camcorder), with NO warranty, the batteries, remotes, chargers, all missing (which normally COME WITH the item(s)!

These item(s) are often offered as optional when you call to "confirm", where they will sell a $20 battery for $100 bucks, that's how they get away with the low prices!

Be careful, and remember to visit the http://www.resellerratings.com site for really good information about these "shady" companies.

Now, to order the best deal around, and with confidence, go to http://www.bhphotovideo.com.

Just a warning since I almost got "porked" when I was replacing my stolen gear a few months ago and was extra-cheap after getting ripped off. I found the "Digital Liquidators" site via a photography magazine and figured it was a legit company ... It was a NIGHTMARE - ON TOP of already having my gear stolen!

Luckily, I was able to check the "reseller ratings" site, look at the scariest of the "very dissatisfied" reviews, and cancel the order with "Digital Liquidators" BEFORE the charges were run through. I called my credit card and told them do not accept the charges from this person and it turned out they tried to charge twice the amout TWICE! My "heads-up" to my credit card avoided having to dispute anything because I flagged them not to authorize charges from that company after I cancelled the order!

Scary huh?

i wanted to post the same pics but i couldnt find thew links where i found them last time. Theres a website that has all these pics to all the names in the back of the phot magazine.. B&H is one of the only reputable companies out there..