Mike Peregrine
Don't know why I never got around to doing this - but this is a stitched image of 5 photos taken of the meso of the Hallam storm on 5/22/04 as it was near Bruning, NE crossing hwy 81. The tornado was touching down off and on at this point (likely off as I took this image) ... wish I could post a larger version of it, and likely will the next time I update my own website, where much larger images are permitted. The detail in the full version is pretty neat ... what I like is being able to actually see the inflow band on the right side of the image.
[Broken External Image]:http://www.photopile.com/photos/mikeperegrine/auctions/181391.gif
[Broken External Image]:http://www.photopile.com/photos/mikeperegrine/auctions/181391.gif