Mike Marz
This tweet - https://twitter.com/VORTEXJeff/status/1030151540361834501 - was posted in the ST Discord this evening and brought up the discussion of hail stone growth / trajectory through a storm. Many of us have always thought, or been told, that stones can cycle up and down through an updraft - giving the layered rings appearance. Having seen hail stones of all shapes, sizes, and appearances, I am still not 100% sure on the trajectory or processes behind hail growth. I've seen the layered appearance, I've seen no layers at all. I've seen clumped together stones that look like 10 or 11 quarter sized pieces clumped together to make a jagged baseball sized stone. I've seen hail that bounces and hail that is soft and just explodes upon impact to pavement. So, aside from seeing hail while chasing, I have no scientific educational expertise whatsoever in this matter. I just wanted to throw this out to the forum to see what others think. Is it a myth that hail cycles up and down in the storm? Is it a single trajectory?