GRLevel3 vs Weathertap

Apr 16, 2004
Austin, Tx
I downloaded and played around with GR Level 3 last night. Should have done this a long time ago. Sadly it was after all the tornadic cells had all dissipated. Only a few severe warned cells were left. IMO very nice, concise, detailed, and quickly responding program. I also like how you can click on the severe warnings and it will bring up the radar map with the warning county outline displayed - very fast, or you can click on the cell id in the storm attribute table and it will take you to that cell on whatever radar - fast again. It also seems to have pretty high resolution compared to other products.

I'm still signed up with Weathertap, and like a lot of their features as well including Radarlab and Weathertap Studio. Weathertap also has a lot more than just station radars such as regional, satellite, lightning, and severe / forecasting data. In that regard it might be tough to give up Weathertap. I really think that GRLevel3 should have drill down regional views to make for quick location. But quick location by warning or cell id is a major plus as well.

What do the rest of you think? Any reason to keep Weathertap? Do you still use it? What do you think GRLevel3 needs. Of course GRLevel2 is even higher quality but I believe you don't get free data feeds.

I first learned of back when I was a sophmore in high school, I immediately became a member of the site and I worshiped it. Simply put, was the best thing to have ever happened.

Then at the start of this year I was introduced to GR Level 3, so being the curious person that I am I decided to give it a go and I tried out the trial version of it. I liked the software, but I still wasn't convinced it was better than my weathertap.

I decided to purchase GR Level 3. Since then I have cancelled my membership with weathertap and use GR L3 only.

I can't imagine going back to weathertap.
No question that GRLevelX is the best radar analysis software available (unless you've got the money to spend on WDSS-II ;> )

- Rob
GRLevel3 is the best source for radar period... I had WxTap as well since about 2001 or so, then immediately got GRLevel3 last year. The best part about GRLevelX is that you only have to pay once - but with WxTap, you'd have to pay every month...
It's an awesome program, but WeatherTAP does offer lightning data and regional mosaics... At only $5 per month, I'm sure most can afford to have WeatherTAP, which would compliment GRLevel-whatever pretty nicely - Then all of the gaps are filled.

Tyler Allison is running the LDM... I am sure he can get the National 1KM Mosaic (it's in GINI format, I believe)... He could then setup a process to transform that file into a GIF image for subsections of the USA (most likely using GEMPAK)... Gibson Ridge software could then download the latest GIF file and display it as a background or something, much like SwiftWX used to do.
WeatherTap also has reliable satellite data. Before I knew about GrLevel3 I just signed up for WeatherTap in the spring when I was chasing. It's easy and you can cancel on the contracts or phone calls to cancel.
Originally posted by rdewey
Tyler Allison is running the LDM... I am sure he can get the National 1KM Mosaic (it's in GINI format, I believe)... He could then setup a process to transform that file into a GIF image for subsections of the USA (most likely using GEMPAK)... Gibson Ridge software could then download the latest GIF file and display it as a background or something, much like SwiftWX used to do.

Already done actually ;)

Gibson Ridge is figuring out if/when/how they want to utilize the data. He's a one man development shop so he has to pick and choose what he works on. He also doesn't like just throwing something together that sucks. He could do a satellite underlay/overlay but he wants to do it right and with the best data possible. Not some 640x480 national image that's been streatched and the pixels are the size of a truck. Doing it right takes time. Right now he is building a next generation Level 2 visualizer in his lab that will make your nose bleed (or wet your pants..pick your analogy) when you see's that good.

He has talked about a larger meterological application (eg: satellite overlays, etc) but for now he's focusing on putting out the best radar software. I had to practically twist his arm to get him to develop his new place file system that now allows metar overlays, position tracking, lightening, etc. He wants to put out the best radar software he can without making it bloated, which I can appreciate :)

WeatherTap also has reliable satellite data

WeatherTap provides a great service, just a different service. I prefer to be able to manipulate the data as I see fit, instead of static content....that's simply a personal choice.

However if a customer of AllisonHouse told me they are paying somebody $5/m for reliable satellite data and they'd rather not, I'd be happy to provide the data. I've got it...however nobody has ever said it was worth anything to them.

What I can't do is generate static images on the scale that WeatherTap does it. I know what kind of hardware it takes to do what they do and it's not for the under funded part timer with a wife that's pissed about the amount of time I spend on my "hobbie". AllisonHouse will never provide that kind of access unless somebody knows a Venture capital group interested in growing a startup ;)

At least for the next 12-18months I see the "weather software" business still a multiple product environment. Assuming you want the best of each area.
Originally posted by Tyler Allison+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tyler Allison)</div>
Tyler Allison is running the LDM... I am sure he can get the National 1KM Mosaic (it's in GINI format, I believe)... He could then setup a process to transform that file into a GIF image for subsections of the USA (most likely using GEMPAK)... Gibson Ridge software could then download the latest GIF file and display it as a background or something, much like SwiftWX used to do.

Already done actually ;)

Gibson Ridge is figuring out if/when/how they want to utilize the data. He's a one man development shop so he has to pick and choose what he works on. He also doesn't like just throwing something together that sucks. He could do a satellite underlay/overlay but he wants to do it right and with the best data possible. Not some 640x480 national image that's been streatched and the pixels are the size of a truck. Doing it right takes time. Right now he is building a next generation Level 2 visualizer in his lab that will make your nose bleed (or wet your pants..pick your analogy) when you see's that good.

He has talked about a larger meterological application (eg: satellite overlays, etc) but for now he's focusing on putting out the best radar software. I had to practically twist his arm to get him to develop his new place file system that now allows metar overlays, position tracking, lightening, etc. He wants to put out the best radar software he can without making it bloated, which I can appreciate :)

WeatherTap also has reliable satellite data

WeatherTap provides a great service, just a different service. I prefer to be able to manipulate the data as I see fit, instead of static content....that's simply a personal choice.

However if a customer of AllisonHouse told me they are paying somebody $5/m for reliable satellite data and they'd rather not, I'd be happy to provide the data. I've got it...however nobody has ever said it was worth anything to them.

What I can't do is generate static images on the scale that WeatherTap does it. I know what kind of hardware it takes to do what they do and it's not for the under funded part timer with a wife that's pissed about the amount of time I spend on my "hobbie". AllisonHouse will never provide that kind of access unless somebody knows a Venture capital group interested in growing a startup ;)

At least for the next 12-18months I see the "weather software" business still a multiple product environment. Assuming you want the best of each area.[/b]

As I think about it I primarily use Weathertap for radar and sometimes satellite. Lightning data I don't use at all because it is too sparse and not good enough graphics at high enough resolution to be of any use. All the severe products I get elsewhere. Weathertap does have high resolution satellite imagary that is very large files and if you have the connection it can be one of the best to view for storms particularly visible. That said, I typically will use UCAR's sat first and then NASA (both for free) and if I want the higher res / larger file then I will download it (and almost never while chasing cause of large file size).

So, basically I would probably switch for the extra $5/ mo if you had satellite data too (and actually I think Weathertap charges about $7 now). I'll probably switch anyway even without the data because everyone seems to agree GRLevelX is just so much better and has a fast interface.

As for development funds...I just happened to recently receive this email from Jim Caruso looking for new venture weather projects to fund. I actually also have an idea for a new weather tool, but not sure I'm ready to make it available (concept wise) to anyone yet.

"I am launching a business development firm that will focus on helping
entrepreneurs commercialize weather-related technologies, products and/or services.
Essentially, my associate and I seek to incubate new ventures by combining
our business/financial acumen and capital with meteorological ideas or
technologies that have been developed by the more scientific and creative minds
among us. For those that have a product or service concept that we consider
viable and choose to get involved with, we will add the business skill and/or
capital to help turn the idea into a business reality.

Specific commercialization services include:
- Project management
- Strategic analysis
- Business plan development assistance
- Financial projections
- Possible direct equity investments from one or more angel investors

Depending on the situation, fees may be in the form of per diem rates,
retainers, success fees, equity stakes, or some combination thereof.

Interested entrepreneurs, please contact me at my business e-mail address
(NOT the one this e-mail is coming from): [email protected]_
(mailto:[email protected])

I'm sure you'll all appreciate the firm name.

Best Regards,
Jim Caruso
CAPE Associates
Capital & Advisory services, in Partnership with Entrepreneurs
[email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected])"
I downloaded GR Level 3 this moring, and can't get it to run. Every time I click on the icon nothing happens.
Do you get an error message like error loading states.gis or anything? Make sure the .exe file is not on your desktop. It needs to be in the GRlevel3 folder.
Originally posted by Jason Boggs
Do you get an error message like error loading states.gis or anything? Make sure the .exe file is not on your desktop. It needs to be in the GRlevel3 folder.

When I click on the .exe file it says "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?"

And I clicked run, it installed everything. I moved all the related icons, such as "cities" etc into one big folder. When I click on the main icon grlevel3, literally nothing happens.

I don't know what the problem could be, the security level is normal, and my computer is very updated. I also installed Directx9.
Hmm. I just downloaded the trial version and it works perfectly. Do this. Just go ahead and delete the previous version and start all over. Here are the steps I took. I clicked on GRLevel3 setup.exe on the main page. A box came up that says save to disk. I clicked ok and the program was saved on my desktop. I clicked on it and a window came up that says, Welcome to the GRLevel3 setup wizard. click next and select "I accept the agreement". Then click next and select this location" C:desktopGRLevel3" to install the program. click next and then next once again. It will then install the program. Once the program is installed, click on the start menu and then All Programs. Find the GRLevel3 folder and then click on the GRLevel3 icon. Hope this helps. If not, I can e-mail the author of this program and ask for help.