GRLevel3 - To Smooth or Not to Smooth...

I don't see any debate here. The check box is easily accessable and can be toggled back and forth. It is a personal choice. If you like smoothing fine, if not fine. I liek to toggle back and forth that way I get both views.

I guess I was wondering if the smoothing could obscure some finer details that might be important to really see tiny details.

I rasied this question since I was looking at the Enterprise anaimation Tim has posted (but later assumed he isn't using GRLevel3) and at a recent spotter class, the NWS speaker had smoothed radar for broad radar shots but unsmooth shots when he zoomed in to show specific things.

(My only problem now is there is nothing going on to play with the radar application. poo.)
There are some instances where smoothing can bring out features, such as the Enterprise hook. It was much more evident with smoothing on than without it. Other times, it may cover up some feature of interest.

I would like to actually see it side by side. like I see the two panel view with reflectivity next to velocity. It would be nice if you can set smoothed next to unsmoothed.
I'll refer folks to a thread on GRx owners forum in which Mike explains his smoothing / interpolation algorithm: Smoothing, the facts.

I have only come across a couple of instances during which using smoothing "hid" or made a feature less evident. The majority of the time, IMO, the smoothing either has little benefit or actually HELPS bring out features. Oftentimes, "smoothing" will help bring out features so they are more readily recognizeable. Again, it's probably better to call it interpolation, since smoothing denotes "blurring" out data. I still think Mike needs to make a change in how GRx utilizes smoothing. Currently, the value of the entire gate is assumed to be the value at the center of the gate, with decreasing or increasing values out from the center. This means, unfortunately, that the gate MEAN is being used as the gate maximum or minimum. In the case of a local maximum, the center of the gate should be increased above the mean, such that the decrease away from the center -- to the remainer of the gate -- results in the mean value.
I don't see any debate here. The check box is easily accessable and can be toggled back and forth. It is a personal choice. If you like smoothing fine, if not fine. I liek to toggle back and forth that way I get both views.

Oh no doubt, but the arguments for/against it are still interesting!

I'll refer folks to a thread on GRx owners forum in which Mike explains his smoothing / interpolation algorithm: Smoothing, the facts.

Could you summarize what is said there or just copy and paste it here? Keeping in mind that some of us(like me) don't have access to the owners forums.
16bit seems to solve MY problem. (Not much to go on today.)
Here is an example of the results I am getting from what little reflectivity there is out there today.

Also, make sure you're using the latest drivers no matter what your video card is.
