
Feb 19, 2007
Austin, Texas
Josh Jans put together a short clip of some of Shane Motley's, Sam Furman's and my video from Greensberg. It's up on You tube for viewing. Caution, After editing there is still some strong language.

May 4th is coming up and it will mark a year since the storm. We would like to tip our hats to all those who helped out that night. We know there were a lot of chasers who stopped and helped, many without any training. We commend each of you who helped.

Josh Jans, John Grizwold, Sam Furman, Shane Motley, Verne Carlson, and many other chasers and first responders are still working hard on the Weather Awareness for the First Responder Training program and hope to have it available in mid-July. I am hoping to put together a resource network that will include on line first aid training and disaster response training for chasers.

You may take a look at it at
If you are interested in a test run of Weather Awareness for the First Responder, let one of us know and we will work on getting you a test drive...

Thanks again,
Randy Denzer
National Storm Research, A division of Disaster Weather Center
Austin, Texas
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Sounds like a great class. Let me know when yall are ready to go....i'd like to take the course.
It's hard to believe that a year has nearly passed since that beastly EF5, good grief.

My sincerest thoughts and prayers will always be with the victims and families of those killed from tornadoes, not just Greensburg, Moore, or Jarrel, TX, but pretty much anywhere because no matter how prepared one can be, but no-one can ever be truely prepared for the loss and devastation that is caused, because materials items can be replaced, but a human life cannot, because we're all individual and unique.

The name of the city is/was Greensburg. You have misspelled it on several occasions, including on your Youtube clip.

President Bush will be giving the commencement address at Greensburg High School on Sunday, May 4, the one year anniversary.
Interestingly enough...the GFS (for quite a while) has been showing that some interesting weather may also coincide with this infamous Greensburg anniversary ceremony across the Plains. Wonder if the Prez wants to do some storm chasing while he's out there.
A couple of shows airing in the next couple of weeks: - "Greensburg Ecotown (working name)" on the Discovery/Science Channels 1st Episode, Sat. May 3rd, 2008, Discovery Channel, 8 p.m. Eastern? - Documentary of the tornado, the recovery and rebuilding efforts. Airs in Kansas only (for now), on PBS, Sunday May 4th, 2008 7 p.m. Central. Fundraiser "premiere" is in Wichita on May 4th at 5 p.m. which is sponsored by Tallgrass Film Festivals.
My sister works for the Athletic Director at KU and she just told me that some of the men's basketball team is going to be on the CBS Early Show in Greensburg tomorrow to surprise the Greensburg high school team.