GR3 and Street Atlas NWS Phone Numbers

Apr 16, 2004
Austin, Tx
I have finished verifying / validating 60+ NWS reporting numbers - part of the Street Atlas overlay and the GR3 Placefile. Turns out there were only a few bad or non-working numbers. The majority of these numbers are the 800 numbers for reporting directly to operations. They also automatically map the county and number to the appropriate NWS office so you know the correct one to call.

Here are the numbers for loading into GR3 as a placefile.

Here is the link and instructions for the updated Street Atlas overlay for NWS Phone Numbers (per county). This was originally intended for version 2005 but should probably work with the latest. I haven't tried it. You may need to follow the instructions on this page about downloading / installing the extra code to allow advanced file management / draw layers in Street Atlas first:
Sorry I didn't provide instructions for installing the GR3 placefile originally. Make sure you have the correct file. Originally when I put it out there I
forgot to change the extension on the 'nws800numbers' from .txt to .pal. That is fixed on the current download, alternatively you can change the extension manually.

For GR3 placefile: click the link and 'Save As' to a location. Next I
create a new folder in C\:program Files\Grlevelx\Grlevel3 and extract the
two files into that folder. [I don't think you want to use the placefile
still compressed]. Once the two files are uncompressed in the Grlevel3
folder. Start GR3, open Placefile Manager (under the 'Windows' title bar).
In Placefile Manager browse to the location of the New Folder (I named mine
'NWS Numbers Placefile') and choose the 'nws800numbers.pal' file. Select the
OK button. It should appear in the Placefile Manager menu. Then just select
the toggle boxes on the left to show the phone numbers per county in GR3.
