Mike Hardiman
I'm not sure I know what you mean, unless the style file syntax has changed, and I can find no source that indicates that it has.
Again, I am working with shapefiles, which have database fields as defined in the accompanying *.dbf files. The style files can key off of those different fields.
So, in this example:
; All Roads Style File
; For Roads_USA_StateHighways-XX
; SRP = State Highway Paved (ORANGE)
; SRU = State Highway Unpaved (ORANGE)
; NE-SFWY = New England State Freeway (VIOLET)
; NE-SRP = New England State Road Paved (GREEN)
Color: "ID" "SRP" 1000 255 128 0
Color: "ID" "SRU" 1000 255 128 0
Color: "ID" "NE-SFWY" 500 255 0 255
Color: "ID" "NE-SRP" 50 0 200 0
We have features in the shapefile (in this case line segments) which have several fields attached to them. One of the fields is "ID" which essentially determines the "type" of road. If the "ID" field is "SRP", it will be displayed at a zoom level of 1000, and given an RGB color value of 255,128,0
"Status" just defines which fields (again, you can find them in the *.dbf file) have their values printed out when you mouse-over the feature.
I could have a field called "Width" in the shapefile/*.dbf file, but as far as I know, GRLx doesn't care what the fields in the shapefile are called.
This is apparently the latest style file specification:
If it has been updated, it has not made it to the official documentation. Searching the "Owner Forums" for shapefile width just brings up old threads for new feature requests.
There's literally hundreds of posts which mention Tiger shapefiles, and there are as many style files floating around as there are posts. Tiger road shapefiles are "pretty good" but aren't always up-to-date, and they tend to show a lot of private roads and driveways. Best bet for accuracy is to get shapefiles from various DOTs, and change the available fields, but the native fields are different in every state and it can be major undertaking.
Again, I am working with shapefiles, which have database fields as defined in the accompanying *.dbf files. The style files can key off of those different fields.
So, in this example:
; All Roads Style File
; For Roads_USA_StateHighways-XX
; SRP = State Highway Paved (ORANGE)
; SRU = State Highway Unpaved (ORANGE)
; NE-SFWY = New England State Freeway (VIOLET)
; NE-SRP = New England State Road Paved (GREEN)
Color: "ID" "SRP" 1000 255 128 0
Color: "ID" "SRU" 1000 255 128 0
Color: "ID" "NE-SFWY" 500 255 0 255
Color: "ID" "NE-SRP" 50 0 200 0
We have features in the shapefile (in this case line segments) which have several fields attached to them. One of the fields is "ID" which essentially determines the "type" of road. If the "ID" field is "SRP", it will be displayed at a zoom level of 1000, and given an RGB color value of 255,128,0
"Status" just defines which fields (again, you can find them in the *.dbf file) have their values printed out when you mouse-over the feature.
I could have a field called "Width" in the shapefile/*.dbf file, but as far as I know, GRLx doesn't care what the fields in the shapefile are called.
This is apparently the latest style file specification:
If it has been updated, it has not made it to the official documentation. Searching the "Owner Forums" for shapefile width just brings up old threads for new feature requests.
There's literally hundreds of posts which mention Tiger shapefiles, and there are as many style files floating around as there are posts. Tiger road shapefiles are "pretty good" but aren't always up-to-date, and they tend to show a lot of private roads and driveways. Best bet for accuracy is to get shapefiles from various DOTs, and change the available fields, but the native fields are different in every state and it can be major undertaking.