GPS 2013 & beyond

Jan 5, 2008
OK all I'll make this very simple since my time is short.

Bought a new laptop and all most have all of my chaser stuff done for 2013 however I'm not sure what to use for GPS ??????? many chasers use different things and keep in mind that my laptop has win 7 premium I belive. OK chasers you tell me besides delorme what else should I consider using for 2013 and beyond ????? I would love to keep using my new laptop for at least 5 yrs or more. also would love to hear from those who drive to chase in OK,KS very important to get your perspectives on this important matter since this yr I may be able to branch out alot more I look forward to your assesment ??????????. and what GPS systems are "HIGHLY Reccomended"


Shawn C.

Fox 4-Warn Chaser
Get rid of the Delorme puck if you're using it. The Delorme software: Street Atlas is quite popular with chasers as is Microsoft Streets and Trips. Both will do a fine job for navigation.

Lots of good threads on GPS tech on here. As long as the puck is compatible with Win7 x64 I don't think you'll have any trouble. The globosat pucks are the most recommended here. Here's a good recommendation that came in last night:

Other threads:
I have no knowledge or experience with this but might be a viable option for many ...
Bluetooth puck

If any have experience with this particular puck, please share your opinions. I may pick one up and mess with it at some point in the near future. Not sure but a USB option would seem to be more practical.