German Monstersquall from the 25th of June, 2006 (8 Pics)


Hi there!

After a little break after a nice Winter I have got somethinh new from Germany I want to show you. A wind convergenz has formed a nice squall yesterday und brought some widespread severe wind events, local supercells and large hail, some tornados are also possible! Me and a friend chased onto this gustfront, which should be able form some integrated bow echos and supercells. Here are the pics, I hope you maybe like it:









Greetings from Germany,
Your Chris
Incredible... Great shots !!! so that's where all of our U.S. storms have gone this year :) on vacation in Germany, I guess that explains the unusually quiet year we've had here in the central plains. Those are some great squall photos, I never knew Germany could get these, what an event.
Incredible... Great shots !!! so that's where all of our U.S. storms have gone this year :) on vacation in Germany

I wondered where all the weather went!! Its on tour of Europe!! Itll be in the middle east next, sorry David!
Those are some great pictures :)

well i'm not sure this fits in here but a reply to the question is:

The only impact the waether has been having on the games so far (as far as i know) is the intense heat. Up to a few days ago it had been 34deg Celcius outside the stadiums with it even warmer within..... well that is much hotter than any of the england players are use to and dehydration was an issue in the first few matchs.