Sweet! Where does the data feed come from?

The majority of the money you pay Rob Dale is for the scripts he wrote to collect all data via FTP - You MUST have those scripts, or GEMPAK is useless, and Rob Dale is the only place you can get them. I wrote my own custom scripts in c-shell, some of which are to the tune of 500 lines long - in total, they took me almost a year to build and tune. The problem is, my scripts are custom to my layout, so they wouldn't work for anyone else.

Also, as Nick said - GEMPAK is all you need. McIDAS is essentially a satellite viewer, and is vary limited in it's functions. I managed to get it for free from Unidata, as I pulled some strings and gave myself "connections" so to speak.

Anyway, most of my data now comes directly through NOAAport via IP delivery, including several experimental datasets (L2, etc.), all of which took some "string pulling" to get access to...

Thanks for explaining that to me in more detail. I appreciate all of you that have input your thoughts and knowledge into this topic. I will likely be sending Mr. Dale a computer soon to get GEMPAK installed. Thanks alot guys.