Looking for some info. I believe that I have saw on here before that someone does installs for a price. If so, who and how much. Also wanting to see about making it available online. I use FxNET but it may be going down the tube soon and I need a great backup. Thanks.
If you know little to nothing about Unix/Linux, then Rob Dale is the man to talk to about getting GEMPAK set up on your computer. I'm sure he can give you more details.
If you are somewhat familiar with Unix and are comfortable with scripting, then you can download the binaries and/or source for free from Unidata's site (
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/) and install and configure it yourself. You will have to register with Unidata. But unlike other met packages like WXP and McIDAS, you can get the GEMPAK package with no strings attached.
And if you do get GEMPAK up and running, I can assure you it will be your primary source for meteorological analysis, diagnostic and prognostication information and not a backup.