Dec 19, 2004
Lenexa, KS
Alright... I'm attempting a project for quick referencing forecasting variables, essentially I'm going for a similar tool as Earl Barker's model extraction text page (ie. NAM Text Extraction).

I have GEMPAK and all the software running correctly, and have NAM (212), GFS & RUC data all available for 'text extraction' using GDPoint. However, I'm running into problems trying to find each variable that I would like to use... Does anyone know of a listing that displays each gfunc variable that is available with the NAM/GFS/RUC?

Specific variables that I'm interested in include total cloud cover percentage, snowfall/ice pellet precipitation amounts, and if there is a simple way for max/min temperatures (rather than writing script to find the max/min temp for a specific time range).

Any help is appreciated. Thanks...
I have actually completed that for each of the models, creating a listing of all parameters that are available. However, that does not explicitly say what each parameters is... For example, I can run gfunc=snow and receive data, however, the numbers are likely in mm and I do not know if it is accumulated or snow depth, etc...

Essentially I'm wondering if there is an updated table that shows all of the parameters that are available for the NAM212, GFS0.5 and latest RUC that also shows what units...
Is your data in GRIB format initially or did you get it straight from .gem format?
It is the .gem format...

Like I said initially, I'm mainly interested in figuring out the gfunc for a total cloud cover, new snow precipitation, and new sleet/ice precipitation.
I don't have enough experience with, or knowledge of, GEMPAK to be able to help you much more. I did some searching on the interwebs and found some stuff saying to search for the GPARM online help for help on parameters/variables (seems like the most direct way), but I can't find that online help. Perhaps try browsing the support archives or join the mailing list and submit your question there. Links to those can be found near the bottom of this page. Good luck, Jayson.
Jayson - those parameters have to exist in the file you are downloading to be able to compute. My guess is they aren't, so GEMPAK/GDPOINT has no way of pulling out the total cloud cover if there is no TCLD parameter in your dataset. Same with ptypes - if your dataset doesn't have a ptype, then you can't get it.
Thanks for the help... I'll do some more guessing and research to see what I can find as far as parameters, hopefully find a few things that I'm looking for!