Seasonality Pro model data viewer for iOS

Mike Piatek-Jimenez

Oct 5, 2011
I wanted to post about a new app I'm introducing today called Seasonality Pro. Seasonality Pro is the first mobile app I know of that will draw custom maps using current weather model data on your iPhone or iPad.

Seasonality Pro supports multiple resolutions and domains for the GFS, NAM, RAP, and Wave models among others. All the common built-in map presets (surface, 850, 500, etc) are included by default. Maps can be navigated using standard gestures, and everything is vector-based so it looks good no matter what zoom level is being drawn.

While the app doesn't require a subscription, VIP subscribers do get additional benefits. Subscribers can customize maps and pull data from high resolution models (the HIRES, HRRR, and GFS 0.25°). Subscribers can also access every output variable from each model and use those variables to create their own custom maps.

Check it out at the website:

Let me know if you have any questions or requests…

Talk about setting the bar in iOS meteorological apps! Great work on this - if I'm not near my computer and want to check the models, this beats any website / table combo out there...
So yea... any plans for an android release? : )

A lot of people have asked me this. :) Would love to support both iOS and Android, but I'm a one-man-shop and it would require at least a year of effort for me to port Seasonality Pro to another platform. Sorry about that, but it's just not feasible at this time.