Full-day videos showing storm chaser traffic - main thread

As promised, I have archived and posted publicly in time-lapse form the footage from my 4-way dashcam system covering the entirety of every chase (6) I have embarked on in the Great Plains this season (2018), for the purposes of chaser traffic documentation.

This effort required the storage and processing of 1.5 terabytes of data (50 minutes of copying 256GB of data from the camera memory cards at the end of each chase), 35 hours of syncing/rendering at my home desktop, and 20 hours of upload time. As with my previous videos, these are rendered in 4k resolution to allow all 4 camera views to be shown in their full native HD size in a single frame.

The Youtube links are as follows:

May 2 - Central Oklahoma (Clinton to Chickasha):

May 19 - Eastern Kansas/southwestern Missouri:

May 28 - Eastern Colorado/northwestern Kansas:

May 29 - Northwestern Oklahoma:

May 30: Texas Panhandle/western Oklahoma:

June 1: Central Nebraska:

Camera #2 (the passenger side camera) was down for part of the May 29th and May 30th chases due to a damaged power cable. My tripod snagged it while I was setting up at one of my stops, ripping the cable from its connector. I repaired it on the 30th, but it came loose again that night. Camera #2 didn't really miss anything during its outages that can't be discerned from the other 3 cameras - which ran 100% of the time.
Timelapse of the whole chase day from My 27th, from CO to WY. Images are at 10 sec intervals so it's not as smooth as full video, but gives the overall impression of the traffic, etc.