I agree that for snow or mud, front-wheel drive will likely be best, since there is less tendency to lose the back-end (i.e. fishtail). On the other hand, I"ve always thought rear-wheel drive to be better on wet, puddly roads, say during/after heavy rain, when there is ponding on the highway. In this case, I've always thought that front-wheel drive vehicles would be more likely to hydroplane given the power distribution of the steering wheels (front wheels). Since fishtailing isn't AS big a problem with hydroplaning (from my experience, losing steering or the front-end drifting/steering whatever way it pleases) as with snow, I think I'd rather have my power in the rear wheels when hydroplaning is an issue. The fact that the front wheels in front-wheel drive vehicles have both the power and the turning capability means that there's more of a chance to lose traction up front (since both turning and accelerating increase the chance of losing traction). Just my experience...