FOR SALE: Meso Road DVD and VHS

Dec 8, 2003
Bridge Creek, OK
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New 2005 South Plains Tx Bonus Feature!</span>

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<span style=\'color:red\'>Free shipping
is still avalable for Meso Road:

$9.99 for the DVD Special Edition
$5.99 for DVD Basic Edition

Mickey Ptak
I've seen this and it's awesome. Contains some of the most-dramatic October 9, 2001 OK outbreak footage I've ever seen.
I just watched Meso Road and I was very impressed with some of the tornados that they captured on video. Nice wedge tornados and baseball size hail. Very good all around! Good going Mick, Shane and Jo!!!!

Get ready for 2005!!!!
Actually, Meso Road is Mick's work alone. Jo and I make a cameo at the beginning, but that's all.
I just watched Meso Road and I was very impressed with some of the tornados that they captured on video. Nice wedge tornados and baseball size hail. Very good all around! Good going Mick, Shane and Jo!!!!

Get ready for 2005!!!!

Actually, Meso Road is Mick's work alone. Jo and I make a cameo at the beginning, but that's all.

Sorry Bill and others who have ordered Meso Road I should have made it more clear why Shane and the others were in the video. Chad, Shane and Jo have becomes such close friends of mine that I had to put them in it. Also I saw so many funny things I could do with the video I had of them lol. Anyway sorry for the mix up Bill.

By the way, for those who have not ordered yet the LOVE and Meso Road special only lasts until Christmas!

I finally got around to watching it this weekend and I loved the Elk City footage. Nice wall cloud shots too. In the "forgotten chases" was that orange one a dust devil or tornado?
Originally posted by Lisa Wadlow
I finally got around to watching it this weekend and I loved the Elk City footage. Nice wall cloud shots too. In the \"forgotten chases\" was that orange one a dust devil or tornado?

That was a gustnado. I’m glad you brought that up because it reminded me that I made a post about it on June 2 2004 right after it happened. Thanks Lisa that segment is now not "Forgotten".

Here is my post about it (I think I was excited lol) :

Here is a link to the clip that Lisa is talking about:

NOTE: There is no sound because I took it with a still camera that took small video clips also.

Thanks Lisa. October 9 2001 is my favorite also.

Hi Mickey

I would love to order your DVD, however I do not expect you to send to Australia postage and handling free.

Trouble is there is no E Mail links on your homepage for me to contact you regarding P & H.

Can you let me know and I will do a PAYPAL order.

Hello Michael,

Don't worry about the shipping thats no problem. Thanks you for considering Meso Road. If I can help please let me know.

Mickey Ptak
EXTREME 2005 Bonus Feature

Meso Road now includes an EXTREME bonus feature from the recent 2005 chase season! This new clip gives you a sneak peak of May 12 2005 South Plains, Texas massive and unpredictable supercell thunderstorm that produce very large and powerful tornadoes and baseball size hail that ravished our chase vehicle.

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Preview is avalable on the Meso Road Web Page


Great video and very professional. The bonus feature is unreal, and the Elk City tornado is classic. For those who don't have this, I highly recommend that you do.
