Blame for what? Traffic jams? I just don't get this whole blame game. What's the point? What purpose does it serve other than to intentionally politicize a non-political event? It was the mother of all traffic jams, but everybody got out. So what's the problem? Nobody promised them a smooth and fast ride.Originally posted by Geoff Boyle
I think there is plenty of blame to go around; and I do agree that the gas situation should have been handled better.
Blaming somebody for 5 million people causing a traffic jam is about as useful as blaming somebody for the hurricane itself. The bottom line is this; there is NO WAY to get 5 million people out of one place on two highways at the same time without a traffic jam! Have you ever been to a professional football or baseball game? Thirty to forty-thousand people causes four solid hours of bumper to bumper traffic for five miles in every direction. Do you really think you can evacuate ANY metropolitan area without it taking a full day or more? You're kidding yourself.
Those who live in hurricane alley KNOW what they are up against when they choose to live there. While I have much compassion for them, I have no bleeding heart sympathy for them having to spend a day in a traffic jam. It's simply a fact of life.