Favorite rotating wall cloud of 2005...

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
As regards me this is my favorite wall clouds of 2005 taken South of Beatrice NE on may 8th.I remember a nice inlow wind; rotation was very evident and after few time this wall cloud appeared and lasted for at least 15 minutes with some nice funnels at the base.
And you guys? Lemme see your best stuff...

That one I'd rate even higher on image color than storm structure. Really excellent color range. Nice job, Jason.
That Snyder storm had some great looking structure as the night fell. I missed the big show by about ~30 minutes because I was going to make sure it was riding the boundary. Of course, it was one of the many mistakes I made this year :oops:

The other pics are great guys!
This was the best wall cloud I saw this year. It was from the tornadic supercell in Kent County Texas on June 12. The picture looks grainy for some reason once I save it to the web. I swear it looks better when I look at it in My Pictures.

I've also got to go with Kent County, Texas 6/12/05. This is about three seconds before condensed tornado.

Only 2 chase days for me in 2005. :( Sucks...

but on that note, it was the first cell that went tor warned of they day on "the big day" that didn't materialized as hoped for, Jun 4, in MacPherson county, KS. Ugly wall cloud that did produce a very short-lived funnel, only to crap out in a merge with the other thousand cells that day.

Sad huh? :D
The best wall cloud that I saw this year was on June 7th near Belvedere, South Dakota. It produced a brief tornado but we were just a little too late to see that. However, we still got to see an awesome LP supercell. Another good wall cloud that I saw was in Trego County Kansas on June 9th, but we were farther away from that than the storm in South Dakota. Unfortunately, I can't post the pictures. :(
Nice shot, Dan. If you were like me and missed the main attraction that day (6/12), then you may have been checking this out about 25 miles north in Dickens County:

The picture looks grainy for some reason

I'm not real sure what caused the graininess, Michael, but you can clean it back up with Neat Image. Neat Image works great for removing "noise" from vidcaps and otherwise grainy pics. Probably www.neatimage.com but I'm not sure and interrupted talking to my g/f to make this post so......gotta go, LOL.

Good luck.
