Dennis Sherrod
And along those lines, if you have to send a drive off, choose a reputable company that someone can vouch for. I have heard of at least three incidents where the people getting the information recovered were victims of identity theft not long after the work was completed. If at all possible, do the recovery yourself. A lot of times, you can buy another drive for cheap of the exact model and swap out the controller board if it's something electronic. If it's a corrupt hard drive, freeware utilities can recover the data. Check out for LOTS of ways to fix drives yourself. Sorry, didn't mean to deviate from the original topic.
Thank you. I will look into this. That is one thing that worried me about sending this off. I could change passwords on everything, but there is a still a ton of personal ID info.
You are right. I had a good surge protector and still had the crash. I gather the power spike / surge, what-have-you, is what helped kill the computer, as all the clocks were off in the house too when I got home.
Again, sorry, did not mean to hijack thread.