Editing Software

Pinnacle Studio and Vegas

I do all my capturing in Pinnacle.... editing in Vegas....

A big problem with Pinnacle, is how they leave out secondary video tracks so you are left with linear editing.... which normally isn't too terrible unless you are following an audio track. It's obvious they want you to move up to other products (pay more) to get that feature.

I used Liquid and didn't like it. I was a big fan of Premier in the late 90's but I've since moved from Premier to Studio and now Vegas. With anything, it all comes down to how much you can spend.

We use Avid for everything at the station(tv) and I have AvidDV Free... good for quick edits and migrating onto other Avids... but is good for hard cuts only... no effects.. at least as I was told by the Avid reps... but it WAS free.

Originally posted by Andrew Booth
Since no one has answered your post yet, I'll take a stab.

I don't do video editing, but I have heard a few applications mentioned to me the times I had asked. I only have one recommendation for PC's since I don't use them much anymore. Links are below

PC Video Editing

Mac Video Editing
http://www.apple.com/productionsuite/ (The WHOLE Kit-and-kaboodle (sp?))
http://www.apple.com/ilife/imovie/ (Must Purchase Entire iLife '05 Suite)

I wish I knew more PC editing programs, because I'm sure that's what you are using. But who knows, maybe Apple's Pro Software line will entice a few more away from the \"dark side\" :D


I use iMovie on the Mac to edit my videos....very easy software to figure out. I haven't graduated to Final Cut yet but have heard a lot of good things about it. Macs really seem to be the way to go for video editing - and it's something worth looking into for those who are frustrated with steep learning curves, having to download special patches, etc.

I've also heard lots of good things about the iDVD software and how easy it is to burn a DVD with it....problem is though you need an internal burner to be able to use it.