Easier model navigation now available

May 1, 2004
Springfield, IL
Skip's Weather Model Links

I got the motivation the other day to organize Earl Barker's WXCASTER products into an organized set of frames for quick and easy navigation. Now instead of hunting through the huge tables, you simply click your product, forecast hour, and the graphic appears on the right. Remember to make sure your JavaScript is enabled for it to work.

In the process of copying all the URLs over I discovered that Earl is hiding a few products he doesn't have links to on his page. One is the 0-6km Shear on the RUC, and a couple parameters on the GFS page. There are also graphics for 51 hours on the 06/18 NAM page that aren't linked as well.

Thanks to Earl for making all these products available in the first place. I plan on doing COD next. Let me know if you find any glitches or screw ups.
Skip's Weather Model Links

I got the motivation the other day to organize Earl Barker's WXCASTER products into an organized set of frames for quick and easy navigation. Now instead of hunting through the huge tables, you simply click your product, forecast hour, and the graphic appears on the right. Remember to make sure your JavaScript is enabled for it to work.

In the process of copying all the URLs over I discovered that Earl is hiding a few products he doesn't have links to on his page. One is the 0-6km Shear on the RUC, and a couple parameters on the GFS page. There are also graphics for 51 hours on the 06/18 NAM page that aren't linked as well.

Thanks to Earl for making all these products available in the first place. I plan on doing COD next. Let me know if you find any glitches or screw ups.

There seems to be some skipping of forecast hours. It goes from 3-6 then to 15. Nice to see a nicely organized section for the GFS. It's on the slow side though im not sure why that is... Thanks for putting this up!

-Scott Olson.
Scott what is the make, model, and year of your browser? It looks fine on both my Firefox 1.0 and IE 6.0. I had a few other people check it out too and its looks fine for them as well. I double checked the links and they seem to be working for the hours you reported.


As for the slowness. It looks like Earl is running these graphics off a home server judging by the IP address URL. If he's on a cable or DSL connection don't expect a lightning fast download, especially if there are other users on the site.
Skip a lot of the hours don't show up at least on my browser. I got Mozzila 1.86a. Im not sure about the speed I just know that if I click on the page in Earl's site it comes up quicker for the same product.

Hope that helps!
Scott what is the make, model, and year of your browser? It looks fine on both my Firefox 1.0 and IE 6.0.

I am having similar problems with Netscape 7.0...although I should be the one criticized for not upgrading to Firefox. Just giving you a heads up that there are some browser incompatibility issues.

As for the slowness. It looks like Earl is running these graphics off a home server judging by the IP address URL. If he's on a cable or DSL connection don't expect a lightning fast download, especially if there are other users on the site.

I'm sure Earl would cringe knowing how many people are now using his website for severe weather forecasting purposes. He runs it off his own small servers within his home and was created for research purposes within the Strategic Weather Command at Offutt and to test Harris model output. Anything on the web is fair game, but it is no coincidence that many of the features of the site are encrypted and hidden to only those that know the specific web addresses.
I am having similar problems with Netscape 7.0...although I should be the one criticized for not upgrading to Firefox. Just giving you a heads up that there are some browser incompatibility issues.

Is it because the hours are running off a non-resizeable frame? I didn't activate the scrollbars, and probably should have since this is probably causing problems for those under 1280x1024 resolution.

I'm sure Earl would cringe knowing how many people are now using his website for severe weather forecasting purposes. He runs it off his own small servers within his home and was created for research purposes within the Strategic Weather Command at Offutt and to test Harris model output. Anything on the web is fair game, but it is no coincidence that many of the features of the site are encrypted and hidden to only those that know the specific web addresses.

I'll shoot him an e-mail. If the attention is unwanted then I will gladly take the links down.
You might want to see if Earl would let you mirror those products (download them to your host) to relieve the strain on his server. I remember several instances of Earl's site getting overloaded because so many people were trying to look at the new model run. Im not sure if you have enough space with your host or if even Earl wants that but it might be something to look into.

I tested this on Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla Firefox 1.06, and Netscape 8.01 and all the times seem to be there for me. Mozilla 0.8 sounds pretty old and potentially full of buggies. Might be time to upgrade that puppy! :)

I tested this on Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla Firefox 1.06, and Netscape 8.01 and all the times seem to be there for me. Mozilla 0.8 sounds pretty old and potentially full of buggies. Might be time to upgrade that puppy! :)


Just for the record it's version 1.86 and not version .8 which is fairly new being I don't usually update my web browser but once every six months.
Nice Job Skip! :D Everything works now and i've added it to my bookmarks. Have you considered adding the WRF forecast model?
The WRF model would be a great one to add if you can find a reliable source. So far I haven't been able to do so, I believe that is becuase it was still in testing and several different research sites were running it off and on.

For all I know it is up somewhere...
Yes, it is a good job Skip. This could be helpful - not to mention all the sites can be accessed from one site with one format. Earl has some good stuff. I would recommend you add the Experiment Severe Products as well.