Earliest and latest hurricanes

Dec 4, 2003
Cranked out some interesting stats to see where we stand. I haven't quality-checked the results, so take it with a grain of salt. If Emily (5th in the sequence) attains hurricane status before July 18, that would set a record.


1955-2004, Atlantic hurricanes
SEQ    AVG     ____EARLIEST STORM____     ____LATEST STORM______

1    Jul 17    ALMA        05/20/1970     ARLENE      09/03/1967     

2    Aug 2     AGNES       06/18/1972     BEULAH      09/08/1967     

3    Aug 15    NOT NAMED   06/19/1959     BONNIE      09/18/1992     

4    Aug 24    CINDY       07/08/1959     DAISY       10/03/1962     

5    Sep 2     DANNY       07/18/1997     ELLA        10/17/1962     

6    Sep 12    FELIX       08/11/1995     FRANCES     11/20/1986     

7    Sep 19    GUSTAV      08/26/1990     GORDON      11/17/1994     

8    Sep 25    HUMBERTO    08/23/1995     GRETA       11/04/1956     

9    Sep 25    IRIS        08/23/1995     HATTIE      10/28/1961     

10   Oct 8     JEANNE      09/16/2004     JEANNE      11/11/1980     

11   Oct 15    KARL        09/18/2004     KARL        11/25/1980     

12   Oct 18    LUIS        08/30/1995     KEITH       11/26/1988     

13   Nov 1     MARILYN     09/14/1995     LILI        12/20/1984     

14   Oct 25    NOEL        09/28/1995     NICOLE      11/30/1998     

15   Oct 26    OPAL        10/02/1995     OLGA        11/26/2001     

16         Sixteenth storm has never hit hurricane status

17   Oct 23    ROXANNE     10/10/1995     NOT NAMED   11/04/1969     

18   Nov 22    MARTHA      11/22/1969     MARTHA      11/22/1969     

19   Oct 29    TANYA       10/29/1995     TANYA       10/29/1995

1980-2004, Atlantic hurricanes
1    Jul 17    ALBERTO     06/03/1982     ALICIA      08/17/1983     

2    Aug 7     BONNIE      06/25/1986     BARRY       08/28/1983     

3    Aug 15    CLAUDETTE   07/10/2003     BONNIE      09/18/1992     

4    Aug 19    DANNY       07/18/2003     CHARLEY     09/23/1992     

5    Aug 27    DANNY       07/18/1997     DEBBY       09/15/1982     

6    Sep 14    FELIX       08/11/1995     FRANCES     11/20/1986     

7    Sep 22    GUSTAV      08/26/1990     GORDON      11/17/1994     

8    Sep 18    HUMBERTO    08/23/1995     NOT NAMED   11/01/1991     

9    Sep 21    IRIS        08/23/1995     IRENE       10/15/1999     

10   Oct 9     JEANNE      09/16/2004     JEANNE      11/11/1980     

11   Oct 13    KARL        09/18/2004     KARL        11/25/1980     

12   Oct 17    LUIS        08/30/1995     KEITH       11/26/1988     

13   Nov 1     MARILYN     09/14/1995     LILI        12/20/1984     

14   Oct 28    NOEL        09/28/1995     NICOLE      11/30/1998     

15   Oct 29    OPAL        10/02/1995     OLGA        11/26/2001     

16          Sixteenth storm has never hit hurricane status

17   Oct 10    ROXANNE     10/10/1995     ROXANNE     10/10/1995     

18          Eighteenth storm has never hit hurricane status

19   Oct 29    TANYA       10/29/1995     TANYA       10/29/1995

* Sequence number is the tropical storm sequence number for that year (tropical storm or hurricane); an unnamed storm (such as in Danny/1997 when a subtropical storm took the first slot) may keep names from going alphabetically
* Avg is the mean date at which a storm in the sequence number hit hurricane status
* The dates shown are the date at which the storm hit hurricane status
* Statistics for a sequence number are only calculated for years that have had a qualifying storm, so this will produce nonlinear date results
* The results will differ from the NHC page since they count 1st hurricane, 2nd hurricane, 3rd hurricane, etc for a year