Dr. Gray Slams Gore

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Thats according to the group of scientists you choose to listen to. There are just as many scientists who are on the other side of the fence and believe this is a natural cycle. Thats the whole point of this argument is the data can work both ways since our records dont go back far enough to compare past warmup events.

And Steve you showed your colors. It has nothing to do with global warming but politics. That is one of the biggest problems with Gore being a spokesman is he IS a political figure.Many people cant seperate him from that process. We all know he isnt a scientists so any information he gives is based on other peoples data which may or may not be accurate. You buy into it purely based on your political beliefs and the fact you liked him before he spoke about GW. Its sad you had to make a scientific argument a political fiasco which is not only against ST rules but shows a lack of credibility in your arguments.

Step off and allow the rest of us to have our scientific argument.
I think this has been shown to be mostly propaganda and propaganda seems to be mostly what your arguments are made on. Show me these legitimate scientists and researchers that you speak of who are saying that global warming isn't man made or at least man enhanced. If you can come up with 10 out of hundreds that would say without a doubt gw is not a man made or enhanced issue, well I would be shocked. And its hard to leave politics out of it when its so obvious to so many that politics are playing a huge role in what so many on here and elsewhere are saying. I wish we could stick with the scientific and factual arguments but apparently that would be asking way to much. I sure am trying to stay out of this thread now since its certainly not helping anything but every time I click on this thread I am reading incredibly stupid things.
No one can guarantee 100%. But it's above two-sigma probability (90%) and climbing according to scientific consensus. That's plenty good enough for me.

David, Here is a good example why I think this is just earth's natural life cycle:

Taken from youtube:
"If you research the history of the Vikings you will find that they farmed GREENLAND between ~1000 and 1500 A. D. They finally had to leave their last farm colony on GREENLAND around 1492 A. D. because the ice had covered that farms year around. We are going through global climate change right now and it is a perfectly normal process here on earth. We just see the effect of ice melting in 2007, but in reality these hot/cold cycle are hundreds of years long (example = the Vikings)."

As I said before let's also not forget the very warm period in the midevial times followed by a very cold iceage. Records only go back so far so how do we know it was not this hot in the past?
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Wow, so now Youtube is a scientific authority. Sheesh, this is why it's impossible to reason with the deniers.

So Greenland was warmer 800 years ago than now. No one says CO2 is the ONLY forcing that control's Earth's average temperature. It just happens to be the only one that can explain why we're warming now. This is basic global climate 101 stuff.
Wow, so now Youtube is a scientific authority. Sheesh, this is why it's impossible to reason with the deniers.

I never said Youtube was a scientific authority. I used a comment from youtube to help make a point and that was it. It is not inpossible to reason with me I am just not convinced yet so that was a assumption on your part.
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