Does anybody here like to chase naked?

Jun 21, 2004
Kearney, NE
No, not physically naked -- and if you do chase physically naked, I don't want to know! :lol: I'm talking about gear. During this year's Nebraska Severe Weather Symposium, a UNL grad student was relating a rather harrowing and exciting tale of getting too close to the Hallam tornado, and as she did so she mentioned that all she had in her car to help her chase was a weather radio and a cellphone for a nowcast. (She was not a yahoo by any means; she's a meteorology grad student who works for the Air Force doing meteorology, and she chases quite a bit). Apparently that's all she ever takes along.

Does anyone here chase "naked" -- no gadgets or gizmos, no laptops, no GPS, no mobile satellite data, no cellular modem, no Wifi -- no nuthin'? (Cameras and video cameras are okay -- I'm only talking about things that help you navigate or data that helps you find storms). How well does that work out for you? The reason that I ask is that many chasers I've seen try to cram as many gizmos and gadgets and widgetmabobs into their vehicle as possible. Is it possible to chase naked and still get results?
I think it's absolutely possible... would I want to? Probably not.

Of course, I'd like to hear about any nekkid chasers, but how about the next best thing? (Please include your thoughts about naked chasing... I don't want to hijack the thread)

If you could take along ONE piece of equipment, what would it be?

Several things would have to be disabled.
1. Your car radio (no broadcast reception allowed)
2. Any outdoor temperature sensors.

Mine would definitely be my ham radio. Of course, without any frequency guide I'd just have to scan. That wouldn't be a big deal.
Would I drive clear up to Nebraska chasing naked? I possibly could, but don't think I'd want to.

The minimal I'll take with me is two scanners; one for monitoring law enforcement and skywarn networks and another for NOAA Weather Radio, a bundle of maps, a cell phone, my camera and printed data...

I'll chase in a good portion of the area with just that, I would like to at least have a good GPS system if nothing else.

I could chase just with a GPS because I can always stop for data at libraries and then go visual when storms form.. but my biggest fear (I'm not joking) is getting lost in an unfamilar place.
...but my biggest fear (I'm not joking) is getting lost in an unfamilar place.

Don't worry, that's one of my fears as well.... I would never venture too far without GPS and backup maps :oops:

When I spot locally, I usually go "naked", no NWS scanners, just the AM radio stations to relay warnings and town locations. I will usually pull off, then look at the map, and drive to that location and 'intercept' the storm, then report to the NWS what I have seen, if it's important.
I think Dave Hoadley has chased with a minimum of equipment. He only started using a cell phone a few years ago. I think he has used a CB radio and weather radio but that's it. Dave has an amazing ability to read the sky. Being less confident, I want all the equipment I can afford and carry.

Bill Hark
I'm a minimalist chaser (I won't say I'm a naked chaser, since they may conjur up some disturbing images for some folks <g>.) I pretty much carry only a camera, NWR and cell phone (which I use only for emergencies and to call and let my wife know when to expect me back home.)

To me, a bunch of gadgets would probably be more of a distraction that I could live without.

I've always felt that the journey itself constitutes a major part of why I chase, and I'd rather keep it that way. :)


When I started out, it was just whatever I had in the truck AM/FM Radio and a camera. I did all my planning at home on the computer. Now I have GPS, 2M HAM, Scanner, and some weather monitoring equipment and a cell phone. I'm not too much above the "Naked" stage, but it certainly helps to have at least pants and shoes.

I had a dog named "Naked" once. Chased her all around the yard. Does that count? :D
I chased that way last season with decent results. Just a weather radio and a cell phone in case of trouble.

I have a dog named Ford....he has three legs and one eye.
The barest I'd chase is with just camera and camcorder. Don't need the cellphone or ham unless I broke down, nor my anemometer for wind measuring. Just long as I get it documented, that's all that matters.

On a sidenote, the ham or cellphone would be needed in the event of having to call a tornado in to help warn people. But, I wouldn't chase that bare anyway, so the first statement is mainly hypothetical.
[Broken External Image]:

Like that (and yes, that is actually on my car)? :lol: :lol:

Actually, I starting chasing storms "naked". Back in those days, all I had was a WX radio on a CB. Obviously my 0 for forever record indicates how well I did then! Actually, I blame that to being new and relying solely on SPC's analysis. Obviously I've grown a bit, so I pray those days are over.

I guess I do miss having little in the way of equipment, but at the same time, I'm such a techie nerd that toys are a part of chasing for me. I guess if I had to go between "naked" and "clothed", I'd want some clothes. I like my toys, what can I say! :D

But if I were to choose one single piece of equipment to have, it'd be the HAM radio. i find chasing much more enjoyable with friends on air you can shoot the breeze with!
I don't consider video equipment part of "being naked". Obviously we chase to document, and since you can't get data from a video camera (yet), I'm not counting that as I obviously would have at least 1.
I think there's a lot to be said for the minimalist approach, especially for new chasers. The temptation is there to load up a vehicle with as much equipment as possible, and yet without the fundamental understanding of weather you might might as well stay in your driveway and play solitaire on your laptop and ponder the layout of your neighborhood with your GPS and mapping program.

Having said that, technological leaps in the past few years have meant that there are some great tools to aid the seasoned chaser in their quest. I have to admit I'm a gadget junkie myself and love being surrounded by technology.. however there's got to be a limit before I'm going to be distracted from what's happening OUTSIDE. Somebody a while ago summarized an approach that I like very much; use the bulk of your technology BEFORE the chase begins, the let the sky be your guide. Of course a radio or two and a good map (or mapping program!) can help nicely too.... 8)
I prefer to reference it as the 'old school approach'

Last year we got the attica storm with only a NOAA radio, a cell phone, paper maps, a stop at a library or two and the cameras.

It really nice not to be distracted by all those gadgets. it lets you enjoy the storm itself more. We went this way because of a last minutes effort to string together a 3 day chase vacation. We both had recent problems with our laptoips so they jsut stayed at home. Sure its nice to have all that stuff but once the chase is on and you have a good visual of the storm then close the laptop and turn off everything else but car to car comm stuff and turn the noaa on alert.

Now for chasing in the SE where there are trees, radar data is a must, whether its from an excellent nowcaster or if you have live data in your car.
GPS is a great tool, but paper maps are sufficient provided you have a chase partner available to fumble with them the whole time. Chasing alone with paper maps is another matter, however - I don't know about you, but I've never had much luck examining the Roads of Texas while zooming down the highway at 70 mph, a hail core nipping at my heels.

As for sources of weather info, XM and high-speed internet are extremely useful (especially XM), but I think you could do just about as well with a cell phone and a dedicated nowcaster.

Of course, experience accounts for a lot. Once you're engaged with a storm, chase strategy gets a lot simpler (unless you're dealing with funky terrain or a bad road network). Basically, all you need to do is keep up with the storm. If you can keep yourself in good position relative to the storm, you might be better off sans laptop, radio, XM, etc. Just enjoy the show.

Honestly, I've found the technology comes in most handy before the action starts. Bust days don't look all that different from outbreak days early on (in the field, that is), and it's nice to have as much information as possible so you can refine your forecast and target throughout the day. Nothing's worse than driving to your target, stopping to check data, and realizing you should have adjusted 100 miles to the south.