Do you like the new board or hate it?

What would you do if you had a choice?

  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Go back to phpBB (what we had before March 13)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Chris, that has nothing to do with the the new board. We're talking about the software at hand, not the rules.

I'll go on to say that most of the non-technical/non-forecast type posts shouldn't even be on here. Honestly... look at your DISC thread. Is it worthwhile to others besides yourself? It's one thing if we're discussing events related to severe weather, but elevated convection with little impact on chasing doesn't have a place on this board in my opinion.

That said, I'll admit I'm more of a "conservative" when it comes to ST. I'm not really a fan of the non severe weather discussion on here other than the occasional thread. There are pleeeenty of other weather boards for gen. discussion of weather. No offense to anyone, I just like to see Stormtrack live to its name and focus on just the chasers.

I like the 'quick edit' and reply functions. Overall I like the new board, don't have any complaints yet, but I'm easy to please... in a forum... LAYOUT, you sicko's.
I voted "Not sure"-- although I definitely do not dislike it. The other forum where I post frequently, Eastern US Wx, uses this package, so now I get confused between the two forums when I have both open on my desktop-- they look almost identical in every way. (But this is my problem. :))

From a usability perspective, I think this new package is better; it has better, more intuitive functionalities. From an aesthetic perspective, however, the previous package was perhaps more distinct-- this new one looks more generic.

This having been said, I think usability is more important than aesthetics for this forum-- which leads me to tentatively conclude that that change was probably an improvement.
Yeah, my "not sure" vote shouldn't be counted as a dislike. If it helps ST, then it's good to go.

BTW... I know this isn't the thread, but I happen to like the rule changes. Keeping everything related to chases and actual severe weather events nicely organized in the Map Room (or whatever it's called now, LOL) and Reports forum is a pretty good idea.
I kind of like it, but I have to use it for awhile to really see how it compares to the old version.

I voted neutral so far. I do like how the My Assistant feature pops up a window when you have a PM.

I wonder how the quality of the Search function compares and ability to search for your own posts, as well as new posts?
I don't see a feature for locating posts by id or by me. Without that feature it makes it very difficult to use and participate. If this is truly lacking then I'd have to change my vote to negative and get rid of it, cause the bells and whistles are cool but if it doesn't do basic functionality then no good.

Here's another forum that I belong to and they have a ton of features for finding posts by user.
Wilders Security Forum

If you can't find posts you are participating in and track responses what good is it? Perhaps I am missing some functionality because I don't understand how to use Invision?

EDIT: Ok just figured out that with the Search function you can type in the user name and leave the keywords field blank and it will pull up all of any users posts. So that may be sufficient. It's kind of nicer just to have a link though that does this automatically. With The forum on Wilders I can click on my name and it automatically takes me to my posts and my threads.
EDIT: Ok just figured out that with the Search function you can type in the user name and leave the keywords field blank and it will pull up all of any users posts. So that may be sufficient. It's kind of nicer just to have a link though that does this automatically. With The forum on Wilders I can click on my name and it automatically takes me to my posts and my threads.


If you are looking for all the posts by a particular member, you can do so quite easily... Go into their profile (by clicking on their member name or by searching for that member), then click "Profile Options" in the upper-right part of their profile, and choose "View member's threads" or "View member's posts". This will automatically search for all posts made by that member. If you want to link to a certain post within a thread, you'll see "Post ##" in the upper-right part of every post (where ## is a successive number), to the far right of the name (near the IP address). If you click on this, you'll get the web address that bring you right to that post. This can come in handy if you want to refer someone to a particular post within a thread (i.e. you want to refer someone to your chase report in a busy REPORTS thread -- they won't need to search for your report if you link directly to your post, not just to the thread).

EDIT: I'm still not 100% familar with this board yet, so the "Profile Options" may be a moderator-only option. However, I'm just not sure, so give it a try.

If you are looking for all the posts by a particular member, you can do so quite easily... Go into their profile (by clicking on their member name or by searching for that member), then click "Profile Options" in the upper-right part of their profile, and choose "View member's threads" or "View member's posts". This will automatically search for all posts made by that member. If you want to link to a certain post within a thread, you'll see "Post ##" in the upper-right part of every post (where ## is a successive number), to the far right of the name (near the IP address). If you click on this, you'll get the web address that bring you right to that post. This can come in handy if you want to refer someone to a particular post within a thread (i.e. you want to refer someone to your chase report in a busy REPORTS thread -- they won't need to search for your report if you link directly to your post, not just to the thread).

EDIT: I'm still not 100% familar with this board yet, so the "Profile Options" may be a moderator-only option. However, I'm just not sure, so give it a try.

Profile options is available to all members. It allows you to view posts and ignore individual posters, among other options.
EDIT: I'm still not 100% familar with this board yet, so the "Profile Options" may be a moderator-only option. However, I'm just not sure, so give it a try.

Yeah, that works Jeff. Thanks! That gives me another way to find things. I did notice though that my page here (poll) The Big One got messed up.

Looks like a lot of hyperlinks, smilies, and pics, and polls did not transfer properly to the new forum.

I liked the old one for its simple look and it was easier to see if there were any new posts from the orange icons. I like the new features though, but they are not necessary.

Edit: Maybe we can try out different skins from here:

Those skins are pretty cool, but I think I'd have a hard time making up my mind. Seems I liked the dark ones a bit at top or maybe that Lightbar - orange (to wake me up).

One thing I don't like is how everytime I make an entry I have to scroll down to hit the preview entry or add reply button - as opposed to it being at the bottom of my current screen. Doesn't sound like much but after you do it over and over when you used to not have to it gets a bit annoying.