Do you like the new board or hate it?

What would you do if you had a choice?

  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Go back to phpBB (what we had before March 13)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dec 4, 2003
This is an honest assessment to see if the new changes in the bulletin board are working out for you all or not. We're talking strictly about the board software itself (Invision vs. phpBB), not any rule changes or administrative changes (like the addition of Chase Reports).

This includes whether it's been easy to adapt to the new software, whether the board seems slower, features lost or gained, and so forth.

I said "not sure"...

The only thing keeping me from fully liking it is the fact that the forums don't get highlighted when there is a new post... And the fact that the new posts don't just seem to "pop out" at you.

Agree, but I do like the time stamp feature (i.e. Last post "yesterday"). I don't like the font, especially for thread titles. They don't stand out from the rest of the page. Perhaps bold face for titles would improve this. There is also something about the particular shade of blue backround that my eyes hate... otherwise I'm finally getting used to the new style.
I said "not sure"...

The only thing keeping me from fully liking it is the fact that the forums don't get highlighted when there is a new post... And the fact that the new posts don't just seem to "pop out" at you.

My thoughts exactly. Could not have said it better.
My thoughts exactly. Could not have said it better.

I have to agree with Jason and Rdewey, I liked how the new posts on the old system showed up when you log in. But I do like the new set up overall, just take some time to get to know it.
Keep in mind that with invision there are so many add ons for features that may be requested by the community.
I really kind of like it. The best feature IMO is the LO-FI. It should allow me to browse the board quicker when I am in the field. I only have a 14.4 Kbps connection, so lo-fi should definately help. Other than that, it doesnt really matter either way.
I like the new board software. It is an improvement... only thing I would recommend that others have mentioned is to have read posts more distinguished from new posts. Maybe for new posts, put the subject in a bolder font? Just an idea. Other than that, I like the features. This fast reply thing is kinda neat, and if I get new PMs, they pop up. The colours are nice and easy on the eyes.
I'm not going to complain about it because it's an effort to improve the forums, which I applaud. However, I'm of the old mindset "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Being objective, I prefer the old style better, simply because the display pages were easier to negotiate. There's a lot of stuff going on with this new version, and I will add my name to the list of folks who said it's more difficult to spot new posts. However, it's still a change to try and better the forums, and I can't find a problem with that. I'll get used to it.
My only issue is that sometimes it doesn't "remember" me and I have to login again, but when I hit the homepage it clearly shows me which forums have new posts and which do not...
I haven't visited the board for a while but have returned to find all of these changes. Sorry to say but I voted to return to the old format. I'm finding the new system to be more complicated and feel that simplicity and "user friendliness" should take precedence over all the bells and whistles on the new board JMHO. For one thing, when replying to a post- I can't seem to do it without quoting the previous post. Seems redundant to keep repeating all the previous posts in the thread.
If I had to vote over again Id change my vote from 'not sure' to 'dont like it' cause twice this weekend ive run into rule restrictions via PM. Im really not liking these new rules. Too damn official and technical. My 'Elevated Storms' thread that was moved and renamed 'DISC: Texas' was merely just me commenting in a non-forecast or technicial manner on the current weather, something that would have been allowable in the previous weather room but now cause of some 48hr rule, it has to be moved to some reports forum when in no way is it a "chase report" and whats wrong with having a Discussion thread running multiple dates. Hello, weather systems can span multiple days. I think all these new rule restrictions for non chase report threads on current weather is just stupid. And if I keep running to these rules then I may have to reconsider my membership.