Desktop computers

Just an update to this thread. I went with the PowerSpec G415 last week. i7 quad @ 4 Ghz / 16GB RAM with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970/4GB video RAM, Windows 10 installed/downgradeable to Windows 7. Glad to report no issues so far with Windows 10, all of my applications are running just fine on it. No real workflow change from Windows 7 other than appearance. So far, I'm seeing no reason to downgrade from 10 as I'd originally planned to do. It's a breath of fresh air to have a nearly 5x increase in video rendering speed while being able to keep working on other apps simultaneously. The old machine could not run anything else, not even a web browser, during an After FX/Premiere render.

Thanks guys for all the suggestions, all helpful and I took many of them to heart with this purchase.
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