Designing an APRS relay program - password?

Feb 20, 2019
Decatur, GA
Since it doesn't look like the APRS relay to SpoterNetwork is going to be fixed, I've set out to do the next best thing. I have designed, and begun test-implementing, a program that connects to the APRS-IS servers and relays packets to SpotterNetwork via the REST API. The basic design is that a user will provide their SpotterNetwork login information to the program (only stored locally) and whenever an APRS packet is received, it sends the position information through the API. The idea is that the user could set it up on their home computer and run it while out chasing since APRS can frequently reach where mobile internet can't. However, I've hit two issues with it. For one, the API does not return the user's Application ID when they login. I was finally able to test this via Postman and all it returns is "success":"true". Second, and this is more of a design question, should I include the ability to track multiple users? I know on the user setting page it's made explicit not to share your Application ID. Even if it's entered with a blanked-out password field, would this still violate the SN Terms of service? Without the ability to login via the API, the only option left is to use the Application ID. I can encrypt it so even if it's running on another person's computer, it's unlikely that that other person would be able to access the member's information. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestion on this?
I'm not sure if bumping this as opposed to a new topic is right, but I've written the above. In regards to the specific question, I decided to just have the user enter their Application ID, multi-user functionality is not supported currently. However, before I can release it publicly, I need to know if this is acceptable to Spotter Network. I've titled it APRS2SN, and on the first page of documentation, indicate that Spotter Network is copyright Spotter Network Inc. In the legal section of the main documentation, along with the license (GPL v3) I make it clear that neither I, nor the software is affiliated with Spotter Network in any way:
No relationship or official connection exists between the author of this software, and Spotter Network.
Spotter Network likewise has no involvement in this software. This is independently produced on a
voluntary, and strictly non-commercial basis as a tool which may have some use in the greater Spotter
Network community. Any use of Spotter Network symbols and information is merely incidental to
explaining how to use this software. Such symbols are only present in this documentation and minimal
information (Application ID, Public ID) is referenced in the actual Application for strictly functional
reasons. Updates of information to Spotter Network consist only of using the publicly-published
Spotter Network API via existing and industry-standard communications media and format.
Information transmitted by the user via this software is subject to the applicable Spotter Network terms,
conditions, licenses, etc. The end-user acknowledges that compliance with such terms is the user's own
responsibility regardless of the current capability of this software, and any future changes to Spotter
Network's terms.

The only contact/support information directs to this forum so I don't know how else I can ask. I've also secured permission via email from Bob Bruninga for use of "APRS" in the name. Can someone tell me if it's ok to release this? By release, I have the full source code hosted on GitHub as well as precompiled packages, currently the repository is set to private, releasing would involve setting it to public and announcing it somewhere. I did this partly because I know someone might balk at downloading a binary from a low-post-count and not well known/trusted user, I'm in IT myself. At least with the source code available, a user can inspect it and know what's going to run.

Another utility I've written is also hosted on GitHub and called "GPSD2SN" and is just a Python script that can run on a RaspberryPi to send your position to Spotter Network from a connected GPS. This is similar, but it's distributed only in script form and I'm releasing this one under the BSD 0-clause license (effectively public domain). Users still have to enter their Application ID in a file, but that's it. Is this one ok too?

Thank you!