Denver ChaserCon 2014?

Dec 4, 2003
Has anyone heard anything on whether the Denver ChaserCon is going to go forward? I know to a certain extent Roger Hill organizes the conference but I'm not really sure of the details of Tim's participation and whether it can push forward or not without him.

The May 2013 tornadoes were kind of a watershed event for me -- not only with the loss of some great chasers. bur they also caused some hardships on my family. I have to confess that I have tended to forego the icebreakers and banquets out of social anxiety and just being tired after the 12-hour drive and getting up at 6 am, but Tim & his son's passing (and especially Carl as I knew him well) still seems surreal, and has kind of renewed my perspective and my sense of how we're a community. I'm not sure if the Denver conference will go forward, but if it does, I suspect it's destined to become an event where we really come together. I haven't really heard anything from Roger since last spring, so I can only hope all is well with him, and if the conference is a possibility we'll definitely support him however we can.

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I know people have been reserving their lodging and flights to Denver for this coming ChaserCon so even in the worst case scenario if the traditional ChaserCon does not happen there will be enough chasers in town to have a sort of throw back style convention in one of the hotel rooms.

That said Roger has updated the ChaserCon site with a lineup of presenters and opened registration.
I'm guessing if Roger was going to cancel it, he'd have done so long before now? I already paid my money! ;)

I'm looking forward to hearing the analysis and stories behind the events, but it's going to be a sad one this year. I wonder how many times I can use the excuse, "I have something in my eye"?
Oh, it's on? I feel like a dumbass for not checking their website. Gonna get my reservation in right now.
I plan on attending (finances permitting). Living on the East coast and not having the income like I had while I was enlisted in the Air Force is the reason why I haven't been to ChaserCon since 2007, it would be really great to see everyone again. I also realize that this one is going to be tough with the loss of Tim & Paul Samaras, Carl Young, and Susan Strom. I've met Tim and Susan before and if there will be anything like the memorial service, the room will get *very* dusty. The DoubleTree just might want to stock up on Kleenex!
Shaba117 and Team Stealth made me do a double take since I was assigned to the test range in 1989-92... I Googled your name and remember you from past conferences, 2003 and 2005. You were ATC at Mountain Home I think?
That is correct, Tim. And I remember you mentioning that you were stationed @ Tonopah...must've been neat. Unfortunately, I never worked with the 117s, but saw them plenty of times at airshows and the Holloman squadrons would come up to Mtn. Home for large-scale exercises and I was sad when they were retired.
I am pretty sure I have an original 4450th TG patch.. that was the F-117 unit when they were still black world. Authentic, too, it was given to me at the TTR right at the time it changed over to 37 FW, so I never sewed it on. If it's something you'd like, PM me your address and I'll send it along... it's just sitting in an old box and it probably deserves to go to a real F-117 fan.
I am planning on going to chaser-con this year, however i am quite sure it will be a sad experience for many without Tim there.
Good day all,

Yes... It will be sad with Tim gone!

YES ... It would be really SAD if 2014 ChaserCon is cancelled - many booked tickets. Don't cancel it !!!
*sigh* Well life seems to bite me in the butt again. I've found myself unemployed for over a month (was laid off right after Thanksgiving) so any chance of attending ChaserCon now is gone. I posted a request on their FB page that if anyone is willing to set up a live stream, even for a fee, I would very much appreciate it! It really does break my heart to not attend this one, but life is what it is.
I said I was going this year, but a new home purchase has certainly precluded that! Perhaps I can make it for 2015!
