DeLorme Street Atlas Question

Jan 13, 2008
Casa Grande, Arizona
I need a little help with a DeLorme Street Atlas 2007 issue I’m having. You may have upgraded to a later version, but I think the process would probably be the same.

So you don’t think I’m just being lazy, I searched all of the threads and posts here on Stormtrack and also honestly looked through the 587 threads on the DeLorme Street Atlas 2007 forum with no luck as well as the online F1 help files. I’m in my mid-sixties and I hate to think I’m that technologically challenged that I can’t find an answer on my own, but I'm stumped.

I can understand how to lay out a planned route and save it in Street Atlas, but what I can’t seem to do is: wander around an area, save the route, and later view the unplanned route to see where I really went.

I was part of the bunch east of Amarillo last week and tried several methods of doing a ‘save’ thinking I would be able to later see exactly the route I had taken and maybe even how long it took me.

If you happen to know the correct sequence I would appreciate your advice or maybe you could direct me to another expert.
I'm using StreetAtlas 2008, so assuming the interface didn't change between years, the following should work:

At the end of your chase, go to the "GPS" tab. Hit the "Stop GPS" button, which will prompt you to save your GPS log as a .gpl file. (Big caveat: if you're running Vista or Win 7, you may have to run StreetAtlas as an administrator! On my first chase this year I failed to do that, and at the end of the day I "saved" my track, only it didn't really save because the program didn't have write permissions).

To view your track later, go to the "GPS" tab, and hit the "GPS Log" button on the bottom-left corner of the screen. You should now see a "File" button to the right (in place of where the speed/direction display had been before); hit that, select "Open" from the pop-up menu, and then select the file you saved at the end of the chase. This will load in the file, and you can now either "replay" the entire chase with the navigation buttons on the right, or simply plot your entire route at once by going to "File" -> "File Preview."

Hope this helps.

Thanks a bunch for the quick reply and detailed instructions. I have Vista so I will keep that portion in mind and go for a short test run around town in a little while. From your explanation, I'm pretty sure this will do the trick.

Maybe this will help someone else with their "search" later.