SN Current Location not Display on Spotter Network

Jan 6, 2019
It has been intermittent at times. Now SN map does not update at all.
Radarscope shows me on their screen.
Radarscope msg for sending location to Spotter Network 'Shared to Spotter Network: 1:24pm' (but does not display on SN map)

Logged into SN and manually entered location of Dallas, Tx and still does not display me on SN map.
RS updated it to the current position after a few minutes had passed.

Have entered two different manual positions now and those did not show up, nor when RS updated those two position to the actual current position in SN.
SN does not show me anywhere on the map.

14:23 - just tried with Chaser Location (worked before) and stii works as far as update the location in SN current postion.
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Yeah, I have the same issue. Nothing is working with my SN. Not even the SN App.
sure could use some feedback on this.
Last week when out, local SnR called me wanting some info.
They thought i was in a another town because of not updating.

I had not been in that town for more than 3 days (just passing through) and current position was some 20 miles away.
Radarscope was showing current position correctly.

This pass weekend was some 300 miles away from the position that SN showed on map and never did update.
Radarscope here again was showing correctly.
Joe & Shaun, we'll need more information about your setup before we'll really be able to troubleshoot this. All I can say is make sure RadarScope stays open and that you are tracking your location AND reporting your location. Either one being turned off will cause it to not work.
After a lot of digging, I've chalked it up to my Sn account. My issue is caused by being new. There are a lot of limitations I didn't know about.
current location is being updated in my spotternetwork account in 'Last Reported Position', but not displaying on map.
Can not find any where in to disable/enable to show on spotternetwork map.

Don't remember having to do that anyway when first signed up.
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Dont know what else to do.
In my 'Position Settings' ->'Last Reported Position' are being updated as i travel.
One thing i noticed is that is always states 'Stationary ', even when moving.
Drove about 100 miles today with Radarscope showing my position and updating the 'Last Reported Position'
Hi Joe, we need more information to assist you. Are you seeing error messages? Is RadarScope remaining open this entire time and showing as sending your location? Mobile phones will always state as stationary because they only send your location in static updates, they only say "I am here" and do not say "this is the direction I'm going". That's just a limitation of mobile devices.

Are you seeing other spotters on the map?

Looking at your location history from today, we received data every 2 minutes for several hours up until 0128Z. So, you were sending data and we were receiving and displaying it. So, if you don't appear to be moving on the map, it is likely some other kind of issue. Perhaps an issue with your app updating the Spotter place file. Are you running the current version of RadarScope?
Got to this end this here and something I just remembered.
Does this have anything to do with that 5 good reports? Its been last summer since i was told that and just remember that.
I thought i was showing here before, maybe not.
Well, that doesnt answer why my location does not appear on Severestreaming. oh well.

I am using the latest version of RadarScope, to make sure i reinstalled early this morning before heading out.
I am shown correctly on RadarScope, that has never failed.

All this time that i have been saying i am not showing on the map, this has been in reference to the map of spotternet work.
At no time during about the last 3 weeks, have i been shown on it.
The display of my location on Live Studios chaser map also ceased working at this time.

What app, which app. all this updating is handled by radarscope.

You say two minutes, it was working back and after i had changed that from 10 min (or so) to 2 mins to have a look at something.
I was showing on the map before and after that update time. I dont want it at 2 mins. let me change it.

That two minute update is coming from android app Chaser Location, which is not suppose to be running.
RadarScope is suppose be handling of this. I killed the Chaser Location App in phone just now.

I dont see a time period in RadarScope to set that update value. All it states i Report you device location to the Spotter Network.
I am logged into Spotter Network in RadarScope. It states "Shared to Spotter Network: 11:41 pm, about 15 mins ago.
Not showing me on Spotter Network map in there.
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Joe, I'm sorry but I am just not following you. When you say 'map' you are referring to within RadarScope? So, you see the chevron crosshairs but your red dot never shows up within the crosshairs? Or, are you looking at the SpotterNetwork website map? When you say "Shown correctly on RadarScope," what do you mean? That leads me to believe you're talking about the website. Spotter Network updates every 2 minutes, that value is not adjustable.

Has Chaser Location always been running? If you have two apps updating location it can lead to a race condition as well.
Joe, I'm sorry but I am just not following you. When you say 'map' you are referring to within RadarScope? So, you see the chevron crosshairs but your red dot never shows up within the crosshairs? Or, are you looking at the SpotterNetwork website map? When you say "Shown correctly on RadarScope," what do you mean? That leads me to believe you're talking about the website. Spotter Network updates every 2 minutes, that value is not adjustable.

Has Chaser Location always been running? If you have two apps updating location it can lead to a race condition as well.

Everything is working like should.
As in previous post, I had forgotten that locations do not display unless you have 5 good reports.
Just had forgotten that.

I am updating my location on SpotterNetwork through RadarScope, not any other kind of app.

'race condition' know well what that means.
that is why i no longer use the android app for chaser location as RadarScope updates that.

Just need to get with another streaming site on why my location is not showing on their map.
They are not very supportive.

Want to thank everyone that helped here.