Copyright Everything

Oct 12, 2005
Little Elm Texas
Why is it that we still have problems with picture stealing in this world? Whoever posted this should get thier own chase pics and not claim a 1974 or 5 photo as thier own. I would think they could take pride in thier own hard work rather than pull something like this, Show some integrity!!
how could I forget the lecture by whats his name (Martin Liscius?) at the TESSA conference this last year. Im hearing that replay in my head right now.
Wrong button

I accidentally hit the new topic button I meant to post a reply to the WPSD TV 6 tornados post which show information on a tornado taken long ago now someone has claimed it as thier own from the 2005 outbreak.
I just think it is funny someone who is kicked from a forum(this one) gets the last word posted in a topic before it is then locked. All I can say is, who gives a flying #### what Mr. Griffen says about anything.

But yeah, I'd REGISTER images with the copyright office for sure. If you don't then what you can get from going to court won't even likely cover your attorney fees. I am learning this the hardway.
Chris JFYI it is Martin Lisius.

It is hard for me to fathom why someone would not take every measure to protect his or her intellectual properties, but that is just me. I know some say it’s not about the money, but if a chance comes around for you to actually make money by doing what you absolutely love that IMO is money well earned. The simple fact is if your images are very good and not protected in some way from unauthorized use you better bet someone is going to steal them. It’s just they way things work be that good or bad.

If you don’t want your intellectual properties to be stolen take the extra time and money to protect them. If they are stolen after that, well then it’s time for a Lawyer.

BTW: My response is not directed at anyone. Just so you know.

If only they would look at this from a storm chasers perspective I mean we spend hundreds of hours and gas money chasing these things only to have some individuals steal our hard earned pics and post them all over the internet as something they are not. I had to tell a co worker just the other day that the so called hurricane photographs he received in a chain letter were really not even from a hurricane at all (hurricane Katrina Anyone) LOL
BUT, hear this. They can steal our photo's all they want, but they iwll never have the "REAL" gratification that we have when we look through our pictures and are able to say, "I took that picture".
Good point very true They will also never get the satisfaction of standing in awe of a mesocyclone that spans a height more than twice that of Mt Everest or watching the dirt getting lifted up off the ground as it flows into the vortex of a tornado, or getting to feel the sustained rush of inflow to thier backs nor will they ever get to see the incredible fire works display of a chase at night. All this and more as we venture out to the plains each year, no one can steal that... :)
I sometimes wonder why I even bother to put one of these on my images:


Anybody really wanting to steal an image could just open up PS, and use the "clone" tool and wipe the copyright/watermark right out.
I just think it is funny someone who is kicked from a forum(this one) gets the last word posted in a topic before it is then locked. All I can say is, who gives a flying #### what Mr. Griffen says about anything.

In what way does that relate to the current circumstances? Or shouldn't we be concerned?
There will be no further discussion of the Griffin / TV6 picture issue. Has he said that he wasn't even chasing the other day, and there is no evidence whatsoever to say one way or another that he himself submitted the picture. Drop it.
In what way does that relate to the current circumstances?Or shouldn't we be concerned?

It didn't relate except that this topic started from that one and that one was locked after a kicked st member got to say what he wanted. What is so terrible about thinking that is funny? It related to the current circumstances more-so than asking if it did.
Originally posted by nickgrillo

Anybody really wanting to steal an image could just open up PS, and use the \"clone\" tool and wipe the copyright/watermark right out.

Most security is not about keeping bad people from doing bad things. It's about keeping usually good people from doing bad things.