Jason Foster
The cost aspect too....going a little off-topic here...is especially weak when most purchase or stay at places that are chain / corporate businesses where a majority of the profit goes back to a corporate office in some large city that continues to bleed the small towns of the central states. Personally I make every effort to buy from local places (aka Mom & Pop) to give as much profits as possible to those folks that actually keep the money in town. I see way too often chasers going to big chain fast food restaurants and staying at hotels/motels that don't have much profit sharing with the local management and staff.
However, the economic power of chasers isn't exactly something to ignore. It still is a percentage that businesses would NOT make without our presence. Add to that the fact that many also talk about certain restaurants and other establishments when will bring business to certain places. I've even preached the importance of visiting the central plains states and know that some have traveled to area of the central US that may not have otherwise unless I had recommended it.
However, the economic power of chasers isn't exactly something to ignore. It still is a percentage that businesses would NOT make without our presence. Add to that the fact that many also talk about certain restaurants and other establishments when will bring business to certain places. I've even preached the importance of visiting the central plains states and know that some have traveled to area of the central US that may not have otherwise unless I had recommended it.