Margie Kieper
The new year has just rung in, on Mauritius, and Invent 90S, which yesterday became 06S.NONAME on the NRL site, has now become TS Clovis, with est winds at 50 kt by JTWC, and Severe TS Clovis, with 60 kt (10-min) winds by Meteo-France at Reunion, and is forecast by them to become a TC at the next advisory.
Five hours ago, the center passed very close to the island of Tromelin, little more than a sand spit one square km in area, and only containing an airstrip and weather stattion, which reported on Wunderground sustained easterly winds of 47 kt; this is what it looked like at that time:
Five hours ago, the center passed very close to the island of Tromelin, little more than a sand spit one square km in area, and only containing an airstrip and weather stattion, which reported on Wunderground sustained easterly winds of 47 kt; this is what it looked like at that time:
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