Chicago Tribune article about faked videos

Geez, they're still perpetuating the notion that this was ripped-off video from somebody else and that "power lines were added" etc. You would think they would try to keep up with newer developments..

At least they showed a side-by-side shot with Dan's altered video; the result is pretty damning.
I have to admit, I'm surprised this has gotten as much attention outside_the_chaser_world as it has. My impression of the Tribune article was, it really took off from the subject of the faked tornado story and went in a completely different direction. By the time I got to the end, I'd already forgotten about Andy. The other examples cited were camera tricks made from completely unreal happenings to fool the viewer into thinking they're real. What the chaser did was simply "nerd up" an existing, real piece of footage to pass it off as simply another time/place.