Check your inverter!

Excellent point David. I found that out the moment I left my little 300W inverter plugged in a few years ago, with a laptop and a few other things plugged into it (I think I had a surge protector plugged in there too). The second I turned the key of the ignition to "run" I got a pop. I ended up hard wiring my 1500W Cobra directly to the battery, with a fuse/buss bar in between with the manufacturer recommend 4 gage wire. Routing it was fun to do, but it has performed without fault since then.
I am a automotive electronics specialist and when it comes to 12volt cig plug inverters is that they are advertised as 100watt/120volt. But that is peak and constant power can be as high as 40% less then that. So if you need 100watt constant, I would recommend ~300watt.