Cheap option for an HD Vid Camera


A few user reviews below, overall mixed reviews. If you have the cash I would spend another $150-200 or so and look for a Canon or Panasonic. The Panasonic HDC-SD60K was mentioned today on Stormtrack as a good cheap HD camcorder for $359. If you want to try the cheaper one I would make sure to buy it somewhere with a good return policy, just in case.
Yep, the Panasonic HDC-SD60K is a good option. If you are looking for something even cheaper the Sanyo VPC-GH4 seems like a decent option ($129 on Amazon). The big draw back with that camera though is apparently the poor battery life (approx 30 mins per battery). You can buy more batteries for around $10 on eBay though. Obviously the Panasonic HDC-SD60K (and alot of other cameras for that matter) going to offer better quality and more features but for extremely cheap HD it seems pretty good.
Well, as I suspected, the camera is total crap. It will only do auto focus and makes a horrible clicking sound while recording. Being shipped back today for a refund, was worth a shot at least.