Darrin Rasberry
I've got an Eee PC, I believe the same model Joey mentioned, and mine runs all my radar apps just fine. Smoothing works fine on them for those that use it. I even run GR2AE on mine along with GRL3 and SL4SC and they all run fine. The volume explorer on GR2AE works fine. I upgraded the ram to 2GB on mine, but all the radar apps ran fine on it with the 1GB it came with.
I've been very impressed with my Eee PC so far, it's an awesome little netbook. I have not regretted getting it at all.
Got an Asus EEE PC 1000 HA and had the screen bust when I closed the laptop (not roughly). Got a replacement and had the keyboard arrive DOA, and (attaching a keyboard to it) I found that even with a 2 gig stick the unit didn't really do *extremely* well with GRlevel 3, although it wasn't horrible, either.
Coincidentally, my main unit blew out at the same time, leaving me computer-naked, so I invested in the Asus N10J with the Atom 270 processor. It is the *only* unit out there that is of the above poster's duly noted, otherwise absent "business quality" netbook. It has a MUCH better keyboard, comes with its own 2gig of RAM (although I replaced it with my own 2gig stick), a keyboard in better shape, and if you get the "N10J-A2" model, your own copy of Windows XP-business to downgrade from the awful Vista Business (although be careful when you load the drivers on this). It runs perfectly with all GR's, mainly due to the onboard NVidia 9800 graphics card with dedicated 256mb ram, and has MUCH nicer peripherals like a better-quality keyboard, mouse, and even fingerprint-reader that works with XP. Its 10.1 inch screen is actually brighter than other netbooks I've seen.
If you're going to chase with a smaller computer and you're up to spending $600-$700, I recommend this Asus n10j-A2 unit (or the cheaper A1 unit if you can stomach Vista Home, which is unable to be downgraded to XP without buying a brand new copy of it, and 160gig vs 320gig hd). It's good enough for me to use indefinitely as my home computer, as well

EDIT: This unit has three and a half hours battery life on XP. I've heard it is longer when Vista stays on there.