Chasing/weather related vanity plates

Yes, the original ride of the WX NERD plates was totalled out about this time last year in fact... the plates I pulled from the car and put on the new ride which I purchased in January. The front plate which is bent up from the accident, is on the front of my van.

Everyone knows the "WXNERD" !! I seem to remember the old, retired, crashed up WXNERD vehicel and the new one. I believe there was a thread when you had a bad accident?? Anyway, great plate.
A few years ago I made a list of about 30 possible storm related license tags. I'll have to dig up the list and post it here. Personally I wanted a tag that storm chasers would understand but insurance companies wouldn't. Turning in a hail claim when you license plate says "BIG HAIL" might be tricky LOL. I settled on "CLD CORE" because I love to chase cold core setups.
Well, they came in the mail today; less than a week it took to apply for them and get them in the mail. I'm surprised...



Yeah, I know, my truck needs a bit touching up. That's what happens when you frequent stone and dirt roads...bumper definitely needs painted again.
I've been out of my vanity plate phase for years now, but I had two different ones back in the day:

1999 - "ROTATE" (before I had heard of the scientific project)

2001 - "NADERS"
Couldn't think of anything better so I have.....
The bumper stickers say-
"Warning: Tornado chaser... stay back one town..."
and another says-
"I don't brake for tornadoes, but I yield to flying cows."

Got them off the internet. Not my creation. Kudos to whoever thought of them.