Chasing injury and incident data

Dan Robinson

A data set I thought would be beneficial to compile would be injuries chasers have sustained during a chase day (from the time one leaves their home or hotel to the time they return). For the purpose of this data set, an injury is defined as any one that is significant enough to require medical attention of some kind (from roadside first aid to an ER or doctor visit).

I'm interested to see if this data will reflect what the real risk percentages are in the activity of storm chasing. I have a pretty good idea of what to expect, but I'd like to see real numbers to back it up.

The following are the basic risk factors that I know about (as in, I've heard of each of these being a factor in known incidents):

* Car accidents due to:
---- Wet roads
---- Hail on the road
---- Encountering debris on the road
---- Encountering animals on the road
---- Driving too fast for a road configuration (sharp curve, sudden transition to a muddy road)
---- Distracted driving (computers, cell phones)
---- Poor visibility (dust, fog or heavy rain)
* Direct hail impacts (cuts or bruises)
* Glass injuries from vehicular window hail impacts
* Lightning injury
* Sunburn
* Hypothermia
* Bee stings, insect bites
* Animal bites
* Equipment-related injuries:
---- Electric shock
---- Cuts from tools, changing tires, vehicle maintenance, etc
---- Joint or muscle strain from lifting objects or equipment
* Tornado impacts

Ideally I'd like to classify injuries by their severity, IE from those requiring medical care/doctor visits to those only requiring on-site first aid.

My goal is to quantify what the actual risks to chasers really are, as I think this would be helpful in gaining a perspective both for ourselves and people outside of the hobby. If I'm able to compile enough data, I'll produce some charts and graphs and post them here.

If you would be willing to share any incidents or injuries you have experienced during a chase day, please post! If you'd rather keep your info private, please PM me - I will only use the information in a final tally (with no names or details disclosed).

Interestingly enough, I do not remember ever sustaining any notable injuries myself during a chase in my 16 years of the hobby.
I've never sustained an injury from storm chasing in 10 years of doing it. I can say this out when standing in the bed of a truck! It can be a doozy!
Up to now, in 13 years of chasing, no injuries for me, either. One thing I worry a lot about that I do not see on your list is trees or tree branches, or other debris, falling onto the chase vehicle. Usually there are several (non-chase) fatalities each year from trees or branches falling onto cars, often from non-tornadic winds.
One that comes to mind is food poisoning or eating something that upsets your stomach.... although many of us really haven't had to be hospitalized or even required EMS care..... it can put a huge damper on a chase.
Er, how about suffering from hemorrhoids ? :)

PS: In my eight years of chasing, I've luckily never suffered from any injury..
1 injury for me.
While out shooting lightning one night I stepped in a hole and sprained my ankle (First degree) :( Some ligament stretching but no tear. Hurt like heck! LOL
I have had a few baseball sized hail body impacts (bruises) from that Brady NE day 5/17/00 and the Edgar NE experience on 9/22/01. The first one was take it for the video of a lifetime...second one was not felt until the next day on the drive home to Tulsa. Had 3 pretty sore spots on my back and shoulder. That was one serious memory that still lingers today...get nightmares at times. Also had one wipeout on my chaser record...that was the Almena day on 6/3/99. The RFD pushed Jeff's van over the brink but miraculously did not flip. Snail snot roads claimed several chasers that day as I recall. We went from a hardtop to a seriously slick mud/gravel road in the matter of a few hundred yards...painfully as the beautiful large tornado crossed the road about a 1/2 mile ahead of us. Jeff and Pat carried on the chase by foot getting good video as it eventually roped out in classic fashion.
I've never been hit by lightning, a hail stone, thunderstorm winds, debris, a tornado, or been a flood victim.

Anything else is an injury due to driving, or eating food, or falling, etc etc...the fact chasing put you in those situations does not make it the cause. I won't elaborate on this because I've done it a million times already over the years.
In 12 years of chasing I've never suffered an injury during a chase. The only thing I ever did was chase one when I was pretty sick, but it was a local chase.
I pretty much passed out whilst driving due to a really acute case of food poisoning mid chase last year. Came back to my senses with 2 wheels off the road at 60mph and quickly pulled into the next motel I saw to spend the rest of the night in a state of semi consciousness interrupted by bouts of projectile vomiting (too much information?) I'd put that down partly due to storm chasing as I'd never really eat the sort of food which caused it if I hadn't been in a chase situation. A couple of cups of popcorn chicken throughout the course of the day was the likely culprit and I'm sure I'm not the only one to suffer from gas station food related illnesses over the years ;) I've never been physically injured storm chasing however.

Note that in this case I did not seek medical attention, but most certainly should have done as I was in a really bad way.