"If it is Uneven ... Even it out!"
Nature has tornadoes for a reason, to "balance" out the transfer of heat energy in the atmosphere. It is a natural process that must occur, stopping it or slowing it often will have even worse outcomes down the road ... The "butterfly effect" does apply here too!
First of all, microwave beams and explosives are not enough to have an effect, at least in my opinion. This will be like spitting into a blast furnace and expecting the fire to go out - It won't happen.
Collateral damage - Explosives can hit a nearby town or farm, or people, such as storm chasers (no pun intended), whether or not the tornado was controlled. Even if the tornado being targeted is in remote areas, noise and shock waves from the explosives can crack windows and plaster at great distances, as well as annoy people.
Now a 100-Megaton hydrogen bomb, yeah ... That might affect it, but blow away a good portion of the earth and atmosphere with it too, not to mention making the entire central US radioactive for the next 500 years.
RF Burns - Effects of microwaving or warming an RFD is not known, and like the explosives, probably will not have an effect. Also, a tremendous amount of power will be required, so special equipment such as a nuclear power pack on a vehicle (or satellite, aircraft, etc) would be required. Not something the governor of Oklahoma would be too happy about!
What happens if the high power microwaves hit a town or people, livestock, etc. under the supercell?
Anyone remember the "microwave oven" scene from the 1993 SCI-FI / Horror movie "Ghost in the machine"?
You probably don't want to remember it ... A person's kitchen turned into a microwave "oven" and RF power heated everything in it, including shriveling fruits in dishes, food jars and bottles exploding, running arcs along hanging pots, things catching fire, and uh-um a grim, gorey, and detailed portrayal of the person in the kitchen agonizingly turning into boiling flesh and exploding.
Watch where you aim that HERF (high energy RF) beam.
In reality, at lower microwave levels, people and lifestock may not be boiled, BUT, electronics will. That's what HERF weapons are being developed for - To inflict disabling and costly repairs to electronics. Such experiments will effectively hose every radio, video camera, laptop a chaser (and the people in a town as well) could have!
Now, if some of these "tornado fighting" tactics do work, and a tornado is prevented - Great! Right? Well, until a year later the energy that would have been released, and did not get that chance to be released, causes a weakening tropical storm in the Pacific to just barely have enough strength to intensify (otherwise it would have weakened) to the point where it becomes better organized, becomes a typhoon, then the largest typhoon on record, rakes the Phillipines, then China, then Japan, and kills a couple of 100 thousand people ... I would stick with the tornado instead!
Save your money, and taxpayers money, and just "leave it alone."
I posted another post where I suspected some electronic issues may result from "experiments", if they are being done, since my chaser partners and I have ALWAYS had major electronics issues while chasing in the plains. And excerpt from the post is below...
In Enid, Oklahoma back in May 2002 at a Super-8 Motel, Eric Nguyen, Scott Blair, and myself found a vehicle parked in front of the motel. It was from Los Alamos (NM) and had the "seimenns" and "advanced radiological atmospherics" labels on it. It had a key-swipe in the coded-entry door locks and was armored. In the back was an elaborate collection of electronics and "pipes" coated with foil, all in a "faraday cage" of grated wire surrounding the (reactor?) compartment, and a sign saying "danger: if light is on - nuclear containment failure". This truck was topped with some very strange looking radar dish labeled "high energy pulsed radar". The people for this vehicle left business cards with us, and after months of emailing / phoning with little or no responce, Eric Nguyen got hold of one of the people at Los Alamos and was told very little about what the vehicle is used for. He was told the parts of it, but NOT what it does with a simple "I can't disclose that" answer.
Is this a radar vehicle, or is it a type of HERF (High Energy RF) beam generator - Maybe to warm an RFD to prevent (or hopefully not, enhance) tornado formation? I think it is the latter.
I also know that HERF wrecks havoc with electronics. It burns out components, even erases or de-activates credit cards and memory. Its intention is to disrupt electronics equipment in the first place. Now, if this is being used around a supercell, say from an aircraft or vehicle like the one I described, an inadvertant passage of the HERF beam to personnel on the ground can cause such issues with electronics! Hopefully, the beam will be too weak to affect human tissue as well.
The full forum post cah be seen below...