ChaserCon 2012 Denver (National Storm Chaser Convention)

Dec 4, 2003
I'm pleased to announce this year's ChaserCon 2012 in Denver. We have been running a thread about it here in the introductory forum, but I wanted to get this posted in the Announcements group.
Friday, February 17 to Sunday, February 19, 2012

This will be at the same place as last time: the Red Lion on Quebec Street in Denver, Colorado. Registration is $98.00 per person. This is usually a pretty good conference and numbers about 200-300 attendees, so you'll want to try to get this one on your schedule.

Speakers will include Sean Casey, Brandon Ivey, Dr. Howie Bluestein, Dr. Greg Forbes, Tim Marshall, Chris Novy, Rich Thompson, Andy Gabrielson, Jon Davies, and Dr. Jason Persoff.

There's also a separate mesoanalysis workshop that will be conducted Friday night by Jon Davies. I highly recommend this if you're a bit rusty on your forecasting skills or want to get primed up for the sessions Saturday and Sunday.

I plan to be there as a vendor, and hope some of you will stop by and say hello.

If you have questions, post here and I'll make sure Roger Hill or Tim Samaras gets the messages.

Tim Vasquez
Just got off the Phone with Roger . We will be donating Two Grand prizes to this years Chasercon .

First we be the Maximum Signal Traveller Wireless System. Same one as in This link

Second will be a Rockies high Power direct connect amplifier. This is the most powerful direct connect amplifier on the market.
Here is a Link to it

There are lots of Storm Chasers out there already using these products to stay connected.

Hope this sways a few more of you to attend this great event
I got my plane tickets and registered for the conference a couple days ago. Its been a few years for me since I went and I can't wait to see everyone again and meet folks I haven't gotten a chance to yet. I should be hanging out at one of the vendor tables with some of the other Convective Addiction guys for at least part of the time. So stop by and introduce yourself if we haven't already met.
The money tree in my back yard hasn't been fruiting lately, so as I said I'll have to see what happens in the next month. If things pick up I'll be there. Its not a bad drive to Denver from here and it'll actually be cheaper than flying so that's one thing I got going for me.. :)

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I'm registered. I'm looking forward to getting to meet some people. The fun part will be the drive out. I figure that I'll spend a few days in the mountains on Monday, and Tuesday.
I will be there and excited to meet everyone. I will have my new DVD, Tornado Raid 1, for sale as well at the Severe Studios booth.

Also I have a room reserved at the Red Lion and a buddy of mine decided not to go so there is an extra bed, willing to share the room and split the cost. PM if anyone is interested
I'd like to ask users to post here if the hotel books up full. That way we can assume rooms are available and that it's a green light across the board for registering, until word comes down otherwise. It appears you can register up until the date of the convention to get in, though there is a Feb 7 deadline for mail-in registrations and there may be a limit somewhere as far as the banquet goes.
Hi all. Going to be going out to the convention along with chaser Jared Farrer. Going to be doing a bit of photography before the convention in the southern Colorado and eastern Utah areas. (Arches/Canyonlands and Great Sand Dunes) Feel free to leave me a message if you're interested in doing some photography as well and would like to meet up. (storm chasing talk over a few beers too is welcome)
I'd like to ask users to post here if the hotel books up full. That way we can assume rooms are available and that it's a green light across the board for registering, until word comes down otherwise. It appears you can register up until the date of the convention to get in, though there is a Feb 7 deadline for mail-in registrations and there may be a limit somewhere as far as the banquet goes.

Hi, Tim. Just as an FYI, I registered a short time ago and was able to get a room, so there is likely still availability as of now. Look forward to seeing everybody there.
I am arriving at ChaserCon around 4:00PM on Friday night. If somebody is looking to save some money, I have a room and would be willing to share. Male or female, does not matter. Just drop me a private message and we'll be in contact!

See you at ChaserCon!
Looking forward to flying out to Denver Friday morning, and meeting all who I haven't met yet.
I'm glad they've added a tribute to Andy as part of the agenda, he will truly be missed in the chasing community.