Shane Adams

There's something like 600 members on this forum, yet each night for the past year we've averaged a group of about 20 different chatters nightly in the live chatroom, which is easily available on both mIRC and this website...

I can't understand why we don't have more chatters, I'd think a chaser chatroom would be booming nightly, considering how active this forum is.

We're there every night, come discover it.............
I try and I try, but the darn site won't let me in. I get a "connection: null" everytime. I have did the troubleshooting over and over, still the same outcome. Guess my computer doesn't like that program. Frustrating...
Maybe you could try downloading mIRC and coming in that way.

Just click on 'try mIRC', then just follow the easy instructions on installing.

BTW, we had 4 new chatters last night, it was fun having new faces in there. Hopefully this trend will continue. Please don't be discouraged if there's not a lot of people in there or if the conversation isn't about weather 24/7......the place doesn't usually get going till after 9pm Central time, but some nights it's earlier. There's almost always someone in there at any given time.

MikeH was answering questions about how to read certain model output charts. It was pretty cool, lots to be learned when a bunch of us get in there together and start chewing the fat.

Since it isn't mentioned on the site (that I can see).

Once you're loaded with mIRC, type:


After you're connected via that server, pull up the roomlist from the folder icon at the top left. In the bar at the top of the roomlist window, type this: #stormchase

Presto, you're chatting :)
For any newbies like me or guests reading, I was in the chat room last nite and if you are seeking "realtime" education, it is the place to be. MikeH and Shane were very open to questions, and patiently provided answers. All I could do was sit back and read and try to absorb as much as possible. Thanx guys!

Be well, TR

P.S. something to consider: IRC based "lectures" on weather and chasing with a Q&A afterwards.....
For any newbies like me or guests reading, I was in the chat room last nite and if you are seeking "realtime" education, it is the place to be. MikeH and Shane were very open to questions, and patiently provided answers. All I could do was sit back and read and try to absorb as much as possible. Thanx guys!

Be well, TR

P.S. something to consider: IRC based "lectures" on weather and chasing with a Q&A afterwards.....

Thanks for the kind words Todd. Anyone who knows me knows I'm really not a wise meteorological person, but I do try to share as much knowledge as I can, from the experience chasing has brought me. MikeH and others are probably some of the wisest chasers in there when it comes to model interpertation and other things like that. I know I learn from those guys alot, just reading what they say in there.

Quite often, we'll get a bunch of chasers in there at once, some of whom (like MikeU) are degreed meteorologists. Others (such as the famous, notorious EF) are not neccesarily degreed in met, but have a wealth of meteorological knowledge. We DO get a little crazy in there, but that's just human nature, having fun. We really DO enjoy having new people in there (not meaning new to chasing neccesarily) and the q & a sessions are probably the most fun we have in there.

So everyone is always welcome, try it out sometime :)

/server should work fine....if it doesn't, try another port.
Speaking of Q/A sessions... Last year, Tim V "hosted" a couple of "interview a 'famous' chaser" events. The one I can remember off-hand is when Tim Marshall was the guest. Everyone got to ask Tim one question at a time, and it was VERY informative and interesting. I think it'd be interesting to set something like this up again, as I sure enjoyed it. The transcript from this "Q/A session" should be available somewhere on ST, though I haven't the slightest where exactly.
Sounds like a great off-season type activity (hard to schedule stuff this time of the year) not just for particular chasers but for different aspects of the field - TV chasers, NWS / (SPC?) mets, maybe different topics for some nights like photog tips -- forecasting tips -- nowcasting etc.

- Rob