Chase Videos

Feb 20, 2004
Windsor, Ontario
Hey guys!

I'm going to be at Monash University next semester in Melbourne, AU. I was talking to my friend who is a student there and she was telling me a little bit about the MET club they have over there (similar to OU's OUSCAMS club). One of the things they are trying to do is build up a library of storm-related videos for students to watch. However, there are not nearly as many storm videos in Australia as there are here (mainly due to the number of chasers we have out here).

Anyway, I've decided that I would like to help them out by trying to get copies of video of storm footage. So, I was wondering, does anyone have any extra copies of chase videos (old and new) that they would like to get rid of? If so, let me know. I can't really afford to buy a bunch of tapes at 20 bucks a piece, but I can cover shipping (I have a paypal account if that works). I guess the real profit here would be knowing that people overseas are watching your chase video. Thanks a lot, guys!

E-mail is [email protected].
Very cool you are going to Australia to study. The first lightning chaser I ever corresponded with when I was getting started ('95) was from Australia. The chasers from there seem like very cool people. PS...they told me that wx data isn't always free to chasers like it is in the US, they sometimes have to pay for the data. Perhaps that accounts for thinner selection of chase video? I do not know. Anyway...if you stay for any length of time, try for some of the great lightning and dust storms. I hear that Darwin in particular has very impressive thunderstorms.
I'd be happy to send some LOVE Down Under. I know VHS will play in Aussie Land, but I'm not sure about DVD+R. These are the formats I offer, just let me know which one would be best and I'll get on it ASAP.
I would be more that happy to donate Meso Road as well. Just pm me with the address. VHS or DVD+R????

Sorry to see you are leave Oklahoma. :cry:

Hi Meliisa

Some advice from a Aussi.

DVD is best as most Australian DVD players will play NTSC / PAL. The TV may have to handle a NTSC signal too, most Australia TV's younger than 5 years can handle a NTSC signal.

I have never heard of the Monash MET club, but I do know that the Victorian branch of the Australian Severe Weather Assoc ( ASWA ) is without doubt the most active with regular meetings of die hard chase anything weather nuts. Contact Jane whose E Mail is on this page

she will give you details of meetings, etc.

Coming from mid west US you will find Australian weather somewhat moderated, even dissapointing. We chase stuff that some US chasers would not even get out of bed for.

What you may find different is the cosmopolitan nature of Melbourne. It is a true melting pot of cultures. Not to mention their almost unique passion of Australian Rules football - something that even if you go to Sydney is suddenly a minor event.