Chase Traditions and Superstitions.

Dec 10, 2003
Great Plains
Do you have any chase-specific traditions or superstitions?

Traditions might be on the order of Tony Laubach's famous sports shirt he wears on most every chase.

Superstitions might be on the order of starting the day a certain way, playing a certain song, etc...

What say you?
none here. I have grown to like slight risks with T-storm watches more than any other kind of setup. Seen my best storms on these kind of days. But, as far as rituals, I don't have any.
When in doubt...go south!

High Risk....high bust!

Can't tell you it's full proof....but seems to work out.
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Do you have any chase-specific traditions or superstitions?

Traditions might be on the order of Tony Laubach's famous sports shirt he wears on most every chase.

Superstitions might be on the order of starting the day a certain way, playing a certain song, etc...

What say you?

If I happen to see cattle getting it on, on the way to a target....the day will bust. Never fails. Not hard to see in eastern NE. I usually just turn around and head back home anymore. Here's to some bovine abstinence today.
Dairy Queen after a successful chase.

This dates back to the earliest days of the chase program. They were the only fast food in any significant numbers in Oklahoma (very few McD's, Wendy's, etc.).
This is a really strange one. I look at the wind risk and hail risk before the tornado risk when the outlook comes out. I have no idea why so don't ask :)

When in doubt go south is a good one too.

I too prefer less risk days. Give me a nice 5% tornado risk in a slight risk area.
Dairy Queen after a successful chase.

This dates back to the earliest days of the chase program. They were the only fast food in any significant numbers in Oklahoma (very few McD's, Wendy's, etc.).

I believe, but never confirmed, that McDonald's corp. purchased DQ so they would not have to build and compete with the steadfast chain in the central US.

Pizza Hut was (and still is when I can) a common place Eric Nguyen preferred to eat at, which in turn meant many of us did too. I still try to hit the PZ Hut when I can, just to remember those post chase day chaser gatherings before we all lost Eric.
Pizza Hut was started in Wichita and you are correct, they are in a lot of small towns that McD's has never penetrated.

The first-ever Pizza Hut was moved to the Wichita State University campus as part of their center for entrepreneurship.

However, at the end of a long chase, a DQ often seemed better than pizza!

Before a chasecation I'll never look at the data, models or the SPC site until I am off work the day before chasecation starts. I'm not really sure why or how I developed that habit.
Up north here I've got a superstition/tradition that states: if you get a tornado, you get to eat steak. If you eat steak on a chase before seeing one, you will not bag a tube on that trip. I'm still on the fence about steak sandwiches on a trip.

I get ridiculed a lot for this superstition, BTW.
I'm not superstitious at all, but I jokingly refer to my new sky-blue shorts as my "good luck charm"; I wore them the first time on May 10 and they're 3 for 3 lifetime catching tornadoes. I also wore them on the way home May 31 when we decided to not chase a third consecutive crap setup....which went on to be perhaps the event of the year to date.

Maybe my new blues work too well?
Not getting a good night's sleep is usually a good sign for me to see tornadoes. I think it's the only time I can wake up after getting a bad night's rest and be happy. However, I don't usually get a good night's rest while chasing, I'm always curious about the next model run, etc.