Cell phone data amplifiers

Jan 29, 2004
Canton, Ohio
I was wondering what kind of cell phone data amplifiers you guys use while chasing. At the chaser convention a guy from Peak Reception was selling a variety of amplifiers and routers. I would like to get one for the coming chase season and was wondering if any of you had this guy's equimpment and how good it works. http://www.peakreception.com/index.html
I have an old one that I used back when we only had analog signals. From what I've heard they only really help you with analog. I may be wrong there. It used to help a lot with analog. I need to ebay it.
I was wondering what kind of cell phone data amplifiers you guys use while chasing. At the chaser convention a guy from Peak Reception was selling a variety of amplifiers and routers. I would like to get one for the coming chase season and was wondering if any of you had this guy's equimpment and how good it works. http://www.peakreception.com/index.html

Tyler from Allsonhouse has been using one for over a year . He is the one that suggested I come to the show. There are also other members that got rid of thier Wilson amplifiers to use our Cyfre amplifiers. They do work and are the only amplifiers athat are major carrier approved as well as Motorola Licensed and approved
I used the kind Tony purchased (see above) last year and I can tell you it added at least 2 bars to my signal, if not more. Obviously if there are no towers around you it isn't going to help. But if a tower is around somewhere it will find it.

I actually sold my old device to Laura Hedien (member here) and purchased the new version (wireless multiple device amplifier) and will be able to provide a report once Gordon ships it to me ;)
I have had very good results with the "Inteligain" brand amplifiers.

The Cyfre and Peak Reception amplifiers are the Next generation of the Inteligain . Same Engineers designed them. The Inteligain's were good amplifiers . The Cyfre and Peak Reception products are amazing. I can't wait for members that purchased them ,reporting back thier results
Cyfre/Peak reception amps

I have experience with two different cell phone amps: an older Wilson amp, which did seem to boost the signal and resulted in fewer data gaps on the road. This year I purchased a Peak Reception Rockies amp (maximumsignal.com has them) and was amazed at the difference between the two. This amp DOES work! I was able to keep tabs on radar during the March 1 outbreak non-stop on a road trip to UNC-Asheville through the mountainous terrain in VA/WV/NC. Have never been able to do that before. Can't wait to use it in May. -DC